【傳導】Jennifer Hoffman
Archangel Uriel: Everything Supports Your Journey by Jennifer Hoffman
This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for May 20, 2013
Everything on your life path supports your journey from pain to joy, from fear to love, from powerlessness to empowerment, and from limitation to limitlessness. There are no challenges in any aspect of your reality that do not support your evolution. Every trial and sorrow has embedded within it the spark of your Divine truth, which you can see and know when you seek the highest outcome.
That is why the brightest path is often the most challenging one because it represents your soul's call to healing. It is not the path of highest vibration, greatest clarity, or the one that is the most joyful and peaceful for you. Very often it is the one that is the most challenging and that you find least desirable. Your soul lights this path so you will follow it and in doing so, create healing and transformation. This is your journey into Ascension and evolution.
The more you resist this bright path, the brighter it becomes. Your soul agreement is grounded in healing and you are the healer, as well as the healing. It all happens through you and while you have the ability to experience the pain, you also have the ability to take the journey through the pain to create joy. If you allow the pain to become the journey, you have lost sight of your soul's healing commitment.
The commitment you have with Source is to move from healing to evolution, from density to Light, and from fear to Love. Everything in your reality supports this journey. This is Ascension and it is your mission.You are warriors of the Light and for the Light, and many of you are now completing this very long journey, whose beginning you do not remember as it began with your first incarnation.
The veil between dimensions, frequencies and vibrations has been lifted, but it is one of several veils that are now clearing. When the veil is lifted, all that was hidden behind it is revealed and this includes the veils in your own lives.
Your power and true Light were hidden from you so you could fully experience the density of that which you came to heal. And this is what has become your brightest path so you can apply your power to its resolution.The time you have long awaited is now here, move forward to bring the Light of truth, peace, and love to the places you know need them the most, beginning with you and your healing journey. You heal the world by healing yourself.
If you resist the pain, you are resisting the expansion of your own Light.
You created this path for yourselves so you could bring Light to the world. Resist the temptation to judge, as it limits your ability to understand the true nature of your experiences. Everything exists to support your transformation, evolution and Ascension.
The most difficult challenges can inspire you to take the greatest action and while fear can create powerful inertia, you use fear as a vehicle to move you from that which you fear the most into joy.
How much easier could your journey be if you recognized that fear and its emotions indicated the presence of powerful healing opportunities?
Have the courage to step bravely into the most brightly lit path, the one you fear the most. Empower and encourage yourself with the Light, guidance and support that will help you transmute the fear into a greater expression and expansion of your Light.
Be willing to go within and find the spark of Divine Light that is within everything and your boldness and courage will be rewarded with the guidance you need to take the next step, and each one after that.
Always ask to be shown the highest outcome, the most wonderful solution and the greatest peace, joy and love in every situation. Seek healing and wholeness, to be brought back to your Divine center of unlimited joy, peace and love, expect to be guided and supported in each step of this journey and you will be.
Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, quote, and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-commercial sites only, as long as you include the author's name and a working link back to this website. All other uses of this article and information are strictly prohibited.