(節錄自郭明義尚未出版之「三寶養生書」) 翻譯:Lily Zhang
Combining Three Treasures practice with solar therapy
It is well-known to scientists that Mother Nature has the power to heal diseases. But how to apply its force is hard to control. Many natural therapies haven’t been recognized by medical experts till now because its healing effects are not so sure.
Many scientists agree that human beings can absorb universal energy, but they don’t know how. By using our five senses? Universal energy cannot be seen, heard, or even tasted. How can we absorb it into human body?
A TV program in Discovery channel once introduced many cases in which people survive without eating or drinking but live by religious practice. One of them is an eighty-year-old Indian elder, who had stopped eating or drinking since the age of twelve. He was strictly tested by scientists for ten days. Finally, he proved that he was still fine without any food or water. Common people will suffer from renal failure under the same situation for only four days. However, doctors examined his kidney and found it working as normally as common people.
He said his energy came from the sun. He stared at the sun every day, and there formed an unknown gelatin above his throat. He took it out with the finger and showed it to scientists. It was the main energy for him to live on.
This unknown gelatin is right at the place where connects our nasal cavity and oral cavity.
From medical viewpoints, there are only two results if we stare at the sun every day: cataract or skin cancer. Why can the old man stare at the sun but keep healthy without eating or drinking?
I believe no one ever knows the answer, even those western scientists or the old man himself. In fact, the place where the old man has the unknown gelatin is right the same place of the Wisdom Door.
The old man really put the theory in The Secret of the Golden Flower(written by Lu Dongbin, a famous Taoism master in ancient China.) into practice. He achieved this by condensing the sun light into the food to feed on.
Master Lu Dongbin said, “The Light is something extremely mobile. When one fixes the thought on the Wisdom Door between two eyes, the Light streams in of its oown accord.”
Here the Light means the Universal energy.
Master Lu also said, “The energy of light is hard to grasp. It can only be absorbed through a practitioner’s focusing on the Wisdom Door(or returning his eye sight to the Wisdom Door). After doing such a practice for a long time, the Light will crystallize itself. It will be easy for him to connect his ordinary physical body with the body of the ultimate reality (in Buddhism, besides physical body, Buddha also exists in the body of the ultimate reality.).” In our practice, focusing on the Wisdom Door is the short cut for us to connect with the energy of light.
六官-玄關 the mystic sense - the Wisdom Door
Actually, we can easily achieve the above result as long as we are initiated through the Wisdom Door, the most mystic sense in life. It is our umbilical cord with the universe. Through the Wisdom Door, we can absorb the power from nature and the energy of the universe.
Modern scientists still leave this unsolved, but they already prove that pineal gland is the most important and crucial part in our body because it affects our health a lot. Pineal gland is right inner our Wisdom Door. Through it, we can absorb energy from the universe, the earth, and the sun light.
We are so lucky to be initiated through the Wisdom Door and have its mystic sense. Since our five senses have their own functions, our Wisdom Door also has two functions: one is to achieve enlightenment, and the other is to absorb universal energy.
From the point of spiritual enlightenment, focusing on the Wisdom Door is the short cut to enlightenment. Through such a practice, everyone can enter meditation easily.
From the point of biological function, the Wisdom Door is the umbilical cord which connects us with the universe. Focusing on the Wisdom Door can help us absorb universal energy.
Sunlight is the extremely powerful energy we get in touch with every day. Scientists have searched for the ways how to absorb solar energy for a long time. Sunlight healing, up to now, has become an important part of natural healing.
如最近「大華府網」(Chinese DC.com)的一篇文章:「陽光雨露-人類神奇的自然醫藥」就指出:
An article in Chinese DC.com once said, “Sunlight and rain drops are natural medicine for humans.” It pointed out:
Scientists know exactly that sunlight has the power to cure diseases. However, they don’t have effective ways to absorb it except taking a sun bath directly. Their methods are also hard for common people to practice because they need professional instruments to do this.
In fact, the most specific sunlight healing instrument and methods have been given to us. For any Tao member, it is very easy to start this sunlight healing anytime, and its instrument is the Wisdom Door.
As long as we start to use the Wisdom Door, everyone can practice the sunlight healing by oneself and enjoy the energy from it. He doesn’t need to take medicine or get a shot or spend money. Just face the sun, close the eyes, and focus on the Wisdom Door, and you are starting the most effective sunlight healing.
三寶光療法 Combine Three Treasures with the solar therapy
This method is quite easy. Everyone can do it. He doesn’t need to spend lots of time, but it is very effective.
In fact, this method is discovered by a Tao member in Taipei , Mr. Pai. He watched the news on TV in which a doctor mentioned a traditional Chinese healing called solar therapy. Ancient Chinese used this method to cure many diseases. They just needed to expose their foreheads to the sunlight in the early morning or at dusk. Its theory is based on the fact that the “yang chi” of the sunlight can help purify the “ying chi” in our body.
The doctor once cured a patient who had acute hepatitis. He couldn’t take a sun bath by himself, so the doctor applied a fluorescent tube which has the same spectrum as the sun to shine on his forehead. A month later, his index number of liver inflammation turned from 3200 to normal 60.
理論依據與實驗效果 Experimental effects
他的理論依據是:「日光經過眼睛以後,可以刺激呼吸鏈裡的第4站,讓我們的呼吸鏈通暢,當呼吸鏈通暢的時候,病態自由基(Free radical)就減少,病態自由基它是破壞我們很多器官的兇手。」
The doctor’s theory to apply the solar therapy is , “ The sun light, after going through our eyes, can stimulate the fourth stand in electron transport chain and make it smoother. Thus, it helps to reduce abnormal free radical. Such abnormal free radical is the main reason to destroy human organs.
Mr. Pai thought this new therapy might be related to the Wisdom Door since the sunlight was used to shine on people’s foreheads. Therefore, he made a test to use the Three Treasures under the sunlight when he went exercising in the park every morning (including focusing on the Wisdom Door, reciting the Five Word Sutra, and holding the mundra).
He said, “After a whole night sleep, my body always feels sticky by yin chi when morning comes. But yin chi will be rapidly driven out of the body as long as I use the Three Treasures under the morning sunlight. I used to feel exhausted in the morning after years of working pressure, but now I feel full of energy because of the solar therapy. I feel very active even till night.”
He feels such a method is an effective way to preserve our health and he is very willing to share with all Tao members.
I taught this method to more Tao members: try to close their eyes and focus on the Wisdom Door when they face the sun. They felt it worked very well. Many beginners could not understand how to focus on the Wisdom Door. But with the solar therapy, the sunlight was condensed to the red light in front of their eyes. So, they could easily focus on the Wisdom Door.
For a Tao member who has the habit of concentration, he will feel it more rapidly to be able to enter the high-leveled concentration with the solar therapy. He can almost achieve 100% concentration and feel especially powerful. The difference between this method and the common focusing practice is that we don’t need to work hard to focus on the Wisdom Door. When the sunlight shines on it, our minds will naturally return to the Wisdom Door. This is a very comfortable, relaxing and pleasant way of concentration.
In the meanwhile, it is just like the sunlight shining through the window into the dark room. The darkness is driven away by the sunlight in a moment. Our tiredness and melancholy will be driven out of the body completely by the sunlight likewise.
This therapy is the simplest and the most effective way of concentration practice among Tao members. It especially works well for enhancing the physical strength and the eyesight.
Some Tao members even teach this method to their friends who haven’t taken the Tao. Even though they can not focus on the Wisdom Door, they still feel it’s quite useful.
Till now, the solar therapy has already had striking effects in healing melancholy, tiredness, weakness, and eye problems. It makes people get well in a short time. If it is a healthy Tao member that practices the solar therapy, he can also feel refreshed in a short time.
2006年6月20日 TVBS新聞稿
由於身體虛弱,這名病人無法至戶外接受紅光照射,因此,醫療人員以特殊儀器在病房內製造出相同波長、電場、紫外線等特定光線,病患則是每天接受 40分鐘至2小時不等的光療,沒想到,一個月後,肝指數竟奇蹟似地從3200降至60。
從中醫觀點來看,肝主目,如果對於肝臟功能有所助益,對於視力保健也會有一定的效果。美國太空總署早在2000年就開始運用晨光夕陽的紅光來治療帕 森金氏症,並修補受損的視力,效果非常不錯。
台北市中醫師公會理事長陳旺全表示,在印度醫學中,有利用陽光治療皮膚病等疾病的療法,在傳統中醫,則有在晨光下運動養生的習慣,現在則有光動力治療,他正開始研 究光照穴位療法,以特定波長能量的LED光源照在特定穴位上,調整經絡能量。
陳旺全並說,中國大陸中醫界有人利用氦氖極光治癒,但在台灣,衛生署核准的是中 醫紅外線治療,如果民眾要享受陽光的好處,以不刺眼、不曬傷皮膚為原則。潘念宗則建議,肝病患者或肝功能不好的人,可在日出、日落時曬曬太陽,眼睛直視朝陽及夕陽的柔和紅光,就是最簡單的養肝方法。
2006年6月20日 綜合TVBS以及中央社新聞搞
三寶光療方法: the method of solar therapy
The solar therapy is a part of medicine. Combining the Three Treasures with it is combining Buddha’s power, the man’s practice and the sunlight power with medicine. Therefore, it is much more powerful.
To get the sun shine outdoors is just to take a sun bath. It is only useful to health. If we try to use the Three Treasures at the same time, it will be more effective in preserving health and healing diseases.
Time: do the solar therapy at sunrise or sunset in the early morning or evening when the sunshine is mild.
Place: any place where you can directly see the sunlight. The balcony is a good place, too.
Method: face the sun and calm down. Close your eyes and focus on the Wisdom Door. You can recite the Five Word Sutra and use the mundra at the same time to help the concentration, but it’s ok not to use them.
Feelings: because you are facing the sun, it is natural for you to feel the red light in front of your closed eyes. It is not only powerful but also warm, mild, and harmless, like a bright red ocean but without harsh light. It seems full of energy like the red color of lava of volcanoes, of the burning sun, etc. Under such energetic red light, we will automatically concentrate on the Wisdom Door. We may have the strong feeling of being the One with the whole universe, too.
Adjustment: when the red light turns yellow or disappears, you can open your eyes for a while and then close them again. This can help you re-experience red light power.
The intensity of light: the brightness of sunlight varies according to seasons or climate, so we cannot practice the solar therapy at a precise time. We should practice it according to whether there is red light in front of eyes when we close them. If we feel the light is too harsh even when closing eyes, it means the light is too strong for us to practice the therapy.
The length of time: it depends on the person. Usually we may do it between one and fifteen minutes. It’s not necessary to do it for a very long time. As long as we can feel the “yang chi” of the sunlight and feel the energy entering our body and making us feel charged (like batteries), it will be enough. We can also practice it several times a day with a short period of time for each.
Besides the morning and the dusk: although the sunlight in the early morning or at the dusk is the best for solar therapy, many people cannot practice it during these two periods. Especially for the housewives, they are very busy in the morning and at the dusk; therefore, they can choose any time during the day as long as there is sunlight to practice. But each time it should be limited within thirty seconds lest they are harmed by UV rays. The sunlight practice for thirty seconds is long enough to make them refreshed completely.
Stare at the sun to do the concentration practice: when the sunlight is soft, we can look at the sun directly and focus on the Wisdom Door.
Effects: to get away “yin chi”, feel energetic swiftly, cure melancholy, enhance immunity, and strengthen our body, etc.
Focusing on the Wisdom Door is the key to solar therapy.
It is believed that the sunlight is very important to health for its great energy. The solar therapy is different from the common sun bath. It is to absorb the energy of the sun by focusing on the Wisdom Door. The sun is the source of all living beings on earth. Because Tao memb