HO’OPONOPONO︰Self Healing from Life’s Mirrors
Blessings for Remembrance that Healing Occurs Only From Within
The Hawaiian Ancestors through Karen Danrich “Mila” August 22, 2008
夏威夷祖先透過Karen Danrich “Mila”傳遞,2008-8-22
Translated by 流星似火 2008-9-12
How do you foster Ho’oponopono in your life? First one can assess the personal life mirrors in those associated with you. Who do you closely associate with afflicted with something that is difficult? What are the difficult circumstances that are a part of your life dance? Who do you know that has the opposite of the circumstance that you struggle with? Make a written list. Then one by one go through your list and intend to heal of the polarity based patterns that each represent and that you mirror unto one another.
Intend that your Hawaiian ancestors join you in this process and we will help you navigate the parallel lives and ancestral experiences at cause of why the polarity exists in your life circumstance; and as you intend the ancestors to aid those that mirror you something about yourself , we will work also with each in dream time and they too will have an opportunity to self heal. For you cannot heal of what anyone mirror’s unto you and they cannot heal either unless you each release the patterns associated as they are held together in an intricate fabric in the dreams of each of you founded upon extreme polarity.
Mirrors are very personal. Perhaps you are married to a very difficult partner that you struggle with and desire to divorce. What does the partner mirror unto you about you? Most likely they will mirror behavior that you yourself emulate upon a parallel nonphysical life. As you self heal of the patterns associated with all the behavior that you dislike that your partner mirrors, not only will your partner also begin to self heal, but they may change enough that you will choose to remain in the relationship. If they do not change enough, then as you self heal all the mirrors reflected, the polarity will no longer hold you together in relationship as they will no longer be a sincere reflection of your newly emerging self. Soon the spouse will depart and you will create the divorce you are seeking. It is generally mirrors of opposites that cause humans to be drawn together in the first place; as you self heal of the opposite within, then those reflecting the patterns you struggle with either must change or cause the relationship to conclude.
Often there are many changes in job circumstances amongst those who are legitimately ascending and self healing of their polarities within. As the mirrors alter, then those who no longer reflect the mirror that the one ascending holds will depart. Sometimes this creates reorganizations or new owners of a particular firm; sometimes it causes the location of the office to be moved, or for you to be moved to a new region. Sometimes healing of polarity may even cause you to choose to leave your job and create a new one that reflects the current polarities that you are now holding within. Sometimes the healing of major polarities may cause relocation to an entirely new region as the region that one has left no longer mirrors enough of your thought-form to retain you in the dream. So this occurred for Mila and Oa as they departed California and moved to Hawaii , as California no longer mirrored to them enough polarity dreams to sustain them in the region.
For those desiring to relocate someplace else, choosing to complete with all polarities mirrored unto you in the region you live will help foster the new dream to catch in another region. If this is your heart’s desire, make lists of the mirrors that your current region reflects along with those that you live and work with that are opposite unto yourself. Then intend completion with this group of polarities and the birth of a new group of polarities in the region you desire to move unto. Then intend your ancestors to join you in releasing the polarities within that bind you to the region that you currently live and a new dream will unfold ahead and as you are complete.
The same set of intentions can apply to any other dream you might like to manifest. Let us say that you desire to manifest of the beloved. Take a look at your life and see who has manifested the beloved already that you know. Perhaps they are someone that you went to a wedding for, or a friend that has a loving relationship, or sisters or brothers who are married, or even your parents if they are still alive and together. Look at all the couples that you know that polarize you into being single and alone and make a written list. Then go through the list and intend to release the polarity of opposites that bind you into being single. Call upon the ancestors and we will help you release the patterns and thought-forms along with programming that has caused you to take the position of single in this life; and then the dream for the beloved is more likely to manifest ahead.
Let us say that you are ill and desire to recover from a particular disease that is ailing you. Once again assess your life mirrors and write down a list of all who are healthy in the physical or who have recovered from an ailment of their own. Now intend to complete with all thought-form that holds you in the polarity of the sick one in the dance of life. Call upon your ancestors to help you also release ancestral cause in the experience, and often you will discover the same lineages held health while your lineages became diseased; and you will also discover the opposite in which your lineages held health while the other’s lineages held disease. As we complete with all sides of any polarity, we must forgive the dance in full, including where we participated in the cause of disease in others.
Now what do we mean in this? Others cause disease? You could cause disease in others? Well it is not intentional on the part of anyone to make another ill in most cases, unless one is a sorcerer and focuses upon another such as in voodoo practices of sticking needles in dolls that represent someone you wish to destroy. And yes there are those that do this but mostly it is within indigenous cultures in which old practices of harm continue to occur. Alas those like this create loads of karma for themselves in deliberately harming another through psychic intention; and it only causes the experience of being harmed ahead due to the karma caused. So those who are the recipients of voodoo or other sorcerer type harm generally have caused harm to others in other ancestral lifetimes of parallel nature. In the forgiveness of self and others, the entire game can conclude and the sorcerer disempowered from harming self or others forever more. The ancestors will also work with anyone finding themselves in this type of dance ahead so that you can forgive and complete.
Disease is caused as the polarity is disease is suspended around the one who has become ill. In extreme polarity, dreams coagulate into thought-form that is resonant. Therefore the one who becomes ill may draw to them countless dreams (sometimes into the thousands) for disease and those who are healthy suspend the disease dreams over the one who is sick in the dance of polarity. This is neither right nor wrong but the reality of a dance of extreme polarity that has come to be mostly since the fall of Atlantis and the nuclear annihilation associated. The radiation from this annihilation caused all dreams to rearrange themselves founded upon similar and parallel vibrations. As the one who has become ill ceases to choose to catch thousands of dreams of disease from many others, and if the dance is forgiven in ascension, then the dreams can be separated apart with each part going back to those who legitimately have karma for the disease. This is one manner in which ascension is clearing the extreme polarity of dreams that humans have been caught within for the past 10,000 earth years (40,000 years as humans measure time).
Unity biology does not catch dreams that are clumped together in this manner unless there is karma for the experience. This many in Mila and Oa’s program struggle with, as suddenly a thousand death dreams show up in their life experience; and they feel freezing cold and as if they are becoming ill. Those ascending like this are learning to rapidly choose to forgive their disease karma and then to dispel the dreams associated and break them apart returning them to wherever they legitimately belong. So can those who rise in vibration and witness large dreams of a particular nature can intend the same. Call upon the ancestors and we will assist you through such an experience. You need not live disease karma; you can forgive it; and this too is the gift of ascension at this time in history.
As a matter of fact you need not live any karma you do not really wish to experience the dream for. Many struggle to manifest enough in the dance of life. This too is a good polarity mirror to clear so that greater abundance can flow into your dream. So make a list of each who is abundant in your life dance. Then intend to clear the polarity held within that they are reflecting and call upon your ancestors to assist. Then you will learn to catch a dream that allows for the middle path of just enough to fulfill upon your heart’s desire and through ho’oponopono.
Another easy manner of assessing polarity within is to look at your inner family. The inner family is a mirror of how you relate within yourself unto yourself. If you look within and see your inner family in disarray, then you know you are in disunity within. The disunity of the inner family will cause discord with others in the dance of life, as this is the dream you will call unto yourself given your own internal state of being. Mila and Oa and those offering consultations within their school are fond of using the inner family to offer up an assessment of those that they work with and what they are working upon at this time of their personal ascensions. The inner family always reflects something that those receiving consultations can relate unto as there will be circumstances in their current dance of life that are related. Heal the inner family through ho’oponopono and the outer life circumstance will also shift leading to a more harmonious day ahead.
Why is this so? Humans are holographic. If your internal state of being is in discord, then you will attract discord into your life dream. It is why we ancestors will always say that the keys lie within; and that there is nothing outside of yourself that can change without first altering what lies within. It is also for this reason that seeking a guru outside of self will never lead you home; as your homecoming comes from within. Then you might say “Well, what about Mila and Oa? Are they not gurus?” Well no they are not and they guide others by having them focus inward upon their personal healing, and have assembled a group of others willing to look inward before they judge outward in the dance of life. This creates a very different type of group as each is taking full responsibility for their own ho’oponopono; and this leads to greater harmony than any other group human dream the ancestors can perceive upon the surface of the earth at this time. As all humans turn inward to heal, greater harmony will be born in the dance of life as a result of each taking responsibility for their own state of being, and choosing to clear it through ho’oponopono.
The Earth Mother through Mila and Oa wrote a lovely article about Healing the Inner Family; and also compiled the Complete Ascension Workbook I and II offer up inner family intentions to heal patterns that release as each level of ascension is mastered to Bodhisattva level. The ancestors highly recommend working with these materials in support of ho’oponopono as a result. (See “Products” and “Healing the Inner Family” for more information.)
Most human relationships continuously dance in judgment. One judges this as good and accomplished in another and bad and awful in yet another; and judges yourself perhaps even worse than any other that you know. The judgment is useless to ho’oponopono and so the ancestors suggest that you ignore the judgmental thoughts that you have; and instead go inward and see what the polarity is that you or another are mirroring unto one another that cause you to live a dream that you do not desire. If you feel unaccomplished and look around you at all the others succeeding at their life goals and dreams, then look inward at what it is that holds you in the polarity of failure. If on the other hand you have friends that are failing at their dreams, also look inward at why you are holding the polarity of success and they the polarity of failure, and choose to heal and forgive, and then you each can create the dreams that you desire within. This will lead to greater happiness for all in the dance of life.
Perhaps the greatest misery has been created in the dance of extreme polarity of all time and as experienced in the human dream. For in the extremes, there is extreme lack leading to poverty and starvation; there is extreme physical lack leading to disease; and there is extreme abuse leading to terrorism, warfare, hunting, stripping earth’s resources to excess, and any other excessive behavior that you can witness in the dance of life. The misery is often personal but also collective in places like Iraq or any other war zone. It is the extreme dreams of warfare gathering by the billions over a particular region that cause a war zone like Iraq.
As ascending groups of humans choose to break apart the billions of dreams of this nature returning them to where they sincerely belong (as many are from other creations), then the wars can shift in the physical and the humans involved begin their process of self healing. This is an example of collective ho’oponopono. Mila and Oa have been involved in collective ho’oponopono with those in their school since they first came to the islands to greet us ancestors. There are few other groups that understand collective ho’oponopono; and it is for this reason that the Earth Mother chooses to work with this group to heal her problems through global ho’oponopono. As such the consensus based dream can be altered to give birth to a new tomorrow of greater unity peace and joy.
Ascending humans can contribute to collective ho’oponopono by choosing to contribute to the healing of the land, waterways or other compromised regions nearby wherever you live or travel. Take a look around you and list the regions that are compromised wherever you live. Now intend to heal the polarity of wounding unto earth that is reflected in the mirror. The wounds of earth may even be associated with regions that ail you in the physical. Why is this so? Humans internalize discord and often pick up upon the toxic land or water based discord nearby and this exacerbates the sick or compromised regions of the body. In releasing the polarity based need to become compromised due to how the land has become compromised, both you and Terra (earth’s consciousness) may begin to self heal. As you call upon us ancestors, we will work with you to help release ancestral karma for harming the earth so that the healing may be complete.
Global ho’oponopono requires groups of humans to come together in the common goal of healing global discord in the human dream. Mila and Oa have been working upon global discord for over 10 years at each event that they and their organization host. Global discord is difficult to dissolve as there are so many layers of karma and experience that contribute to why a particular region calls in dreams of warfare or pollution, or the over consumption of earth’s resources. However year by year some of Terra’s dream has shifted with each global ho’oponopono completed upon at these events. (See Masters Conclave for more information.)
Mostly and as a result of this work there is a rising green movement that is beginning to catch in which humans are considering earth’s resources more carefully, and thinking about other means of creating the goods that you consume. There is also a rising movement of peace that shall propel humanity to cease warring upon one another, but this will not manifest for another 8 to 10 years due to the delay in how dreams are fulfilled upon in the physical; but it is coming due to global ho’oponopono and the release of patterns at cause of why humans war within the polarity based dream of earth. Also ahead will be a new fuel that will be emission free and inexpensive; and businesses that will emerge to clean up the environment of toxic human cause along with manufactured goods from recycled debris picked up for free out of human dumpsites. These changes in the human dream ahead would not be possible without the global ho’oponopono earth is focused upon as a consciousness at this time or those humans willing to work with her in this goal.
The Hawaiian Ancestors invite those that feel called to this global work to join us in Maui for our annual Conclave event that Mila and Oa and their organization host this October. This event is for those who are perhaps already working inward upon their own ascensions and aware of this process in dream time. The focus of this year is to release fission based karma from false ascensions that has led to warfare and disease in yet earlier times preceding the fall of Atlantis. Earth is completing with the cause of why humans war upon one another or other kingdoms in hunting and the consumption of flesh through this event. In so being a new day may be dreamt ahead of peace within the human kingdom and between all kingdoms upon earth. This we sincerely look forward to as ancestors as our cause will also release in conjunction with earth and the group gathering. This too is our ho’oponopono.
We leave you with these thoughts 我們在這些思想中離開你們
Aloha Nui Loa 以所有的愛祝福(在我內心將你一直保持,直到你我能再次合一)
The Hawaiian Ancestors 夏威夷祖先
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