


HO’OPONOPONOSelf Healing from Life’s Mirrors


Blessings for Remembrance that Healing Occurs Only From Within



The Hawaiian Ancestors through Karen Danrich “Mila” August 22, 2008

夏威夷祖先透過Karen Danrich “Mila”傳遞,2008-8-22


Translated by 流星似火 2008-9-12


Dear Beloved that is Hawaiian at Heart,


The Hawaiian Ancestors wish to speak of a topic that is related to healing known as “Ho’oponopono”.  Ho’oponopono directly translates into “To revise, edit, manage, or make right”.  Healers of Ho’oponopono understand that in order to heal any circumstance one must first heal yourself of whatever is reflected within the circumstance.


There was a lovely short story about Ho’oponopono circulating amongst those studying with Mila and Oa as of late.  In this story a psychiatrist reviewed the files of six patients in a mental ward.  They went deep inside and chose to heal themselves of whatever the six patients reflected.  He never met any of the patients and one by one they recovered enough to be released.


  How can this be?  One may wonder.  From the Hawaiian Ancestor’s point of view, it is easy to explain.  The psychiatrist held the position of “sanity” and the patients the position of “insanity” in the polarity based dream that their lives reflected.  As the psychiatrist chose to release his position of sanity it allowed the patients to release their position of insanity, and they each recovered enough to go home.


The reality is that most humans would be considered slightly insane anyway from the ancestor’s point of view.  Sanity is only a judgment and not a sincere state of being; and insanity is also a judgment about a state of being that is not understood unless you lived inside the other person’s skin.  All humans are who they are and most exhibit weird patterns thoughts or behavior due to trauma and fragmentation in childhood.  The insane one may be more fragmented and therefore exhibit more of the same behavior that the Psychiatrist also experiences; but it is all a matter of degree from the ancestor’s point of view.


The truth of the matter is that fragmentation from childhood or other traumatic life experiences can be healed through intention.  As the trauma is released, parts of the field and your consciousness reunite together into greater wholeness again, and some of the weird behavior or thoughts cease to occur in so being.  For the above psychiatrist and the patients, as they each released the polarity that they sustained themselves within related to sanity and insanity, fragmentation from childhood and ancestral experiences could self heal causing each to reunite into greater wholeness, and all concerned received a healing as a result and departed from the mental ward.  The psychiatrist simply gave permission in the unconscious for the patients to self heal; and so they did.


The psychiatrist also healed of their requirement to be the only sane one in a group of those who were insane.  The psychiatrist had most likely grown up in an insane household (possibly alcoholic) and spent most of their chi healing everyone to keep them straight enough to dance with the rest of the world.  As the psychiatrist released the requirement to retain others in a sane dream, they too began to self heal and much more dream and chi then became available for their future dance of life.


Ho’oponopono is an understanding amongst Hawaiian healers that everything is a mirror for your own internal state of being.  If the other is out of balance, each within the ohana (family) must heal in order for balance to be restored for all.  If the land is out of balance and failing to provide for the ohana, then each within the ohana must heal in order to restore balance to the land.


At this time in Hawaii there is much talk about the dying tarot plants that is failing to produce as much yield as in ancient times.  Scientists from the University of Hawaii are suggesting that the tarot be genetically modified to create a stronger plant less subject to the virus attacking it.  Hawaiian groups are vastly against science touching their sacred plants, as they understand that this will not correct the problem; the problem first must be corrected in all who live upon the land.  As of late Mila read in a local paper that the Hawaiian courts have suspended the possibility of genetic modification of the tarot plant for 10 years due to how it is related to Hawaiian culture.  Mila was pleased to read this.


What is so out of balance upon the land of Hawaii that the tarot plants are failing to grow in great abundance?  Mila has noticed the yellow leaves and the sick looking plants in the tarot fields of Hanalei.  From the Hawaiian Ancestor’s point of view, there are many humans living upon Hawaiian land that fail to bless the land and take more chi than they give.  There are also countless tourists that visit this land each year and leave their psychic waste and take much without giving anything unto the land.  The psychic debris that had built up in Honolulu alone was so great that as Mila relocated to the islands, she spent a spent a year helping to clear and return what was not the land’s to process in it’s ascent.


Plants are designed to give in balanced giving and receiving with the land.  If the land is depleted, the plant will give more.  The Tarot Kingdom responds to the lack of chi upon the land and gives more than it has to offer and becomes ill.  So this is also so for the rainforests as well, and over time they too have become ill and deteriorated from the lush state that they once existed within a hundred years ago in the ancestors perception.  When Mila first came to Oahu , we took her around the island, and showed her how our land was dying.  She cried and cried and cried and then finally said, “Well, we will simply fix it and we will figure out how to do so together”.


So Mila and Oa and many that came to study with her began to heal within of why humans take more than they receive from their land while releasing their ancestral karma for this dance; and they blessed and blessed and blessed the land and soon the rain began to fall and the vegetation recovered.  This was a decade ago now and the beginning of the healing of Hawaii-Nei, and was necessary to the healing of the Earth Mother’s heart chakra, as Hawaii sits underneath the heart center of earth.  If the land could not begin heal, the Earth Mother could not begin to heal; and so this became the focus of our Mila and their group as a result of their choice to work only in support of earth in all that they do.


Those who are Hawaiian at heart understand the need to bless; to bless with love the food that one eats or family and friends along with the land and sea and all creatures within them.  Blessing with love alone can sometimes foster the healing of the land, waterways or others.  However the blessings are even more powerful if one chooses to heal within oneself whatever is mirrored unto yourself within those who appear to be struggling in the dance of life; or those that you struggle getting along with; or the land or plants or waterways that may be ailing.  How and why exactly is this so?


Everything outside of oneself is a mirror of some part of yourself that is unconscious.  There are many unconscious parallel planes, in fact 24 in total for those that still exist at 2 strands of DNA.  For those who are ascending, you integrate parallel lives in each phase of ascension mastered and therefore may have fewer parallel dreams.  Regardless of where you are in association with unity biology, everything around yourself and all experiences that you have in the physical are a mirror of some sort for parallel experiences you are having within parallel nonphysical dreams that surround earth.


For example, if you have a friend sick with cancer; you have cancer upon a parallel plane.  If you have patients that are insane, then you have a parallel life where you are experiencing insanity.  If you know someone who is an invalid and crippled in a wheelchair; then you have a parallel life in which you are crippled as well.  If you are sick yourself and have many friends that are healthy, you have parallel lives in which you are not sick and are quite healthy.  If you are married in this life you are single in many parallel lives; if you have children in this life you have many lives without children upon parallel dreams.  Humans experience all dreams unto themselves as a result of all the parallel planes that catch portions of dreams that you might live otherwise if you had integrated all the bandwidths of vibrations associated.


Why is this so?  Humans and all kingdoms upon earth have fallen in consciousness and DNA strands; the falls have left behind fractured layers of earth’s field that still catch a part of your dream.  At 2 strands, humans exist in 24 dreams simultaneously, only one of which is physical.  This is why humans are so limited at 2 strands of DNA and as a result cannot often find solutions to their dilemmas.  As you ascend and grow crystalline DNA, then you also increase in field size and gather up dreams that splintered off and have been held in parallel realities.  This is how and why ascending humans may begin to catch fuller and more fulfilling dreams due to having a larger field to do so and also having integrated many parallel dreams.


 Many who are ascending unconsciously are integrating parallel lives nonetheless and this is also another reason that dreams change all around yourself and in the experiences of others as well.  It is our perception that the psychiatrist spoken to above was ascending and integrating a parallel life in which he was insane and in a mental ward; and as he concluded with this experience in a nonphysical life, the patients that he might have treated also completed and recovered.  Perhaps some were ascending or perhaps some simply traded insane parallel lives for sane ones in reverse polarizing another plane with the physical dimension that the body exists within.  However regardless of how it was accomplished, the physical received a new dream of sanity due to the psychiatrist who self healed of his own insane experiences upon a parallel plane of reality.


Now what are we speaking to?  Reverse polarizing nonphysical with physical dreams?  This is not so hard to imagine.  Let us say you are homeless upon the streets and have a lifetime of greater abundance in a parallel reality; you can swap the dream for greater abundance for the dream of homelessness and find your way to a job, home and new life.  In times past, Kahunas (Hawaiian spiritual healers and teachers) knew how to reverse polarize parallel realities and often caused those that they treated to recover from ailments of all kinds as a result.


You can also ascend and integrate a lifetime of greater abundance or health instead and then also manifest this dream in the physical.  Mila and Oa have had several homeless associates over time that recovered their ability to catch a different dream through ascension, and so this is also possible.  Mila and Oa have also recovered their own health by integrating parallel lives of greater health in earlier times in their ascension where they caught a dream for disease for a time.


What is the difference between ascension and swapping parallel lives through intention?  Reversing parallel lives and trading nonphysical for physical dreams cannot end the suffering for all; for as you reverse one condition for yourself, another human experiences the opposite and reverses into the undesired dream that you are leaving behind.  This can create karma and so it is better to ascend and integrate the larger dreams you are desiring and then manifest them, as then no karmic cause is created in the experience.


How does anyone ascend?  You intend to ascend and then the body chooses to evolve into another and fuller set of DNA that is regenerative and that one’s more ancient ancestors understood.  As you ascend, you pick up fragmented pieces of self trapped in parallel lives and integrate them; and as you do so the dream associated becomes available to be lived in the physical.  Long ago Mila ascended into a parallel life where she was a teacher of ascension.  In a short time the dream from this parallel life caught upon her physical dream and many students showed up for the first classes she offered to teach; and many chose to have healing consultations from her finding benefit from her ascending point of view.  She left her old dream of real estate behind for the new dream of ascension teacher that she was then able to catch.


Over time Mila came to teach in Hawaii and the Hawaiian Ancestors not only invited her to relocate here, but she gathered information for her further ascension from our own records.  Hawaiians living in the times of Lemuria held crystalline biology and existed between 6000 and 9000 strands as Mila measures ascending DNA in present time.  We were holographic and held unity biology in Lemurian times with a much longer lifespan than the Atlanteans who fell into more limited DNA due to dissonant technology that they surrounded themselves with.


In Lemurian history, we were not interested in technology but rather in spiritual evolution; alas a nuclear war manifest and this deteriorated our DNA along with all of earth’s to far beneath this level of consciousness thereafter.  We are sad about the circumstances that manifest in our history; and now are on to focusing upon the recovery of all that was lost in the coming six generations of those who are ascending and are Hawaiian or Hawaiian at heart.  We are making right what we caused as ancestors in so doing and this is our Ho’oponopono.  (See “History of Atlantis” as brought through by the Native American ancestors for more information.)







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