



Accept or Decline

August 2011 Monthly Message


烏瑞爾天使長透過Jennifer Hoffman傳訊


田安琪翻譯 歡迎轉載


每一種在我們實像中存在的景況 都來自於我們選擇去接受或拒絕某種禮物





帶給我們喜悅 啟發溫暖醺然的感覺



但在每一種情況中 不論它是甚麼 總讓我們有機會選擇接受或拒絕

Every circumstance in our reality exists because we chose to accept or decline a gift. Now the word ‘gift’ has to be considered in the right context because in this instance, it means learning, growth and healing experiences, which are gifts because they are opportunities for us to resolve and release misaligned energies, karma, trauma and soul wounds. They do not always appear in our lives as things that make us feel good, bring us joy and inspire warm and fuzzy feelings. Some gifts challenge our core beliefs and power; others are an opportunity to confirm whether we have learned a lesson. But in every situation, no matter what it is, we always have a choice to accept or decline.



當說「好」的時候 我們接受並得到我們想要的




我們也確切知道靈魂旅程中沒有「也許」 即使我們不確定自己要些甚麼

因此 正因我們知道答案總會是簡單的「好」與「不好」

That makes our journey appear to be so easy since all we have to do is say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to every situation that appears before us. With ‘yes’ we accept and we get what we want and with ‘no’ we are clearly indicating that we are on our spiritual path and know what we do not want to step into. Or do we? While that part is a little murky, what is absolute is that there are no ‘maybes’ on our soul journey, even if we are not sure of what we want. So why do we approach many lessons with so much doubt and confusion if we know that the answer will always be a simple ‘yes’ or no’?



並且 一個接受的答案未必表示同意

同樣地 我們的拒絕也未必總是表示我們不想要某些東西


如果我們的抉擇不夠有力量 不足以創造最佳結果

那麼不論我們選擇了什麼 宇宙都將使得事情與所要的不一樣


Because we add elements to our ‘yes’ or ‘no’ that turn them into long, drawn out exercises in decision making, and an ‘accept’ answer does not always mean that w are in agreement. Whatever we decline doesn’t always indicate that we don’t want something. Interwoven within our answers are expectations, desires, needs, wants, and a silent hope that no matter what we choose, the Universe will make up the difference if our choice is not powerful and will create the best outcome on our behalf. Within every choice to accept or decline there are expectations, manipulations, desired outcomes and a certain amount of fear.





我們會認為接受代表同意 而拒絕代表不同意


我們也能以拒絕來表示同意 以接受來表示不同意

若我們在無意識之中做決定 那麼我們仍然下了個承諾



即使我們拒絕 也未必會「脫鉤」

我們只是尚未走到已為我們打造好的 那條「接受」的路徑上
Every choice to accept or decline puts us on a different path. Where will this path lead us, how will we do with the lessons and what the outcome will be are all up to us. We think that accepting means yes and declining means no but sometimes it’s the other way around. We can also decline to mean yes and accept to mean no. And if we are making that choice unconsciously we are still committing just as strongly to it as if we were fully aware and confident. Every answer is an acceptance of the path that accompanies it so even if we decline we are not necessarily ‘off the hook’, we are just not going to be on the path that a ‘yes’ answer, or accepting, would have created for us.


這有點複雜但並不難 因為有方法定位何者是最好的、最圓滿的、最高的選擇

那便是讓自己暫停下來 並覺知到-----
我們總是要選擇 但沒有選擇是所有選項中最佳的一個


因為若不是如此的話 我們會選擇其它路徑

Are you confused yet? It’s complicated but not that difficult because there is a way to determine which is the best, most fulfilling and highest choice and that is to pause, consider and be aware that we always have a choice, no choice is better than any other choice and all choices lead us to a specific path, that is right and best for us because if it wasn’t, we would choose something else.

在何時該選擇什麼? 我們所感知到的任何情況都在那至善之中

我們如何做決定? 透過自我檢視並簡單地提出下列問題----

l  此時這已經是最佳選擇了嗎?

l  我正從這個情況中學習什麼? 什麼是我的選項?

l  我真的想這麼做嗎?

l  我正在承諾什麼?

l  我在這其中有甚麼得與失?

l  還有甚麼其他可能性嗎?
When and what should we accept? Any situation that we feel is in our highest good. How do we decide that? By checking in with ourselves and asking some simple questions:
* Is this the best choice for me at this time?
* What am I learning from this situation and what are my options?
* Do I really want to do this?
* What am I committing to?
* What do I gain from this and what do I lose?
* What else is possible for me?


因為我們總相信我們面臨的是唯一選項 但並不然


因此當我們僅看到一個選項時 我們正對於許多其他選項視若無睹


我們正得以暫停足夠的時間來思考 也許真有不同的選擇我們尚未想過


The last question is probably the most important one because we believe that whatever we are faced with is our only option, but it isn’t. We are limitless beings living in a limitless Universe so while we may see only one choice, there are many others we are totally unaware of. So by asking what else is possible, we are pausing just long enough to consider that there may be a different choice for us that we have not yet considered that may be more fulfilling, lead to more joy, be more aligned with what we will become once we allow our energies to expand into higher levels, which is part of what each choice offers us.

我們有意願承擔風險而成為自己的更高版本嗎? 即使我們並不真的知道那意味著甚麼






Are we willing to take that risk and become a higher version of ourselves, even if we have no idea what that means? That is what each choice leads us to, whether we are willing to step into our own greatness, divinity, highest aspects and expand our energies to include the fullness of our potential in our reality. No choice can be right or wrong, good or bad because we will chose whatever is possible for us in each moment.

我們所應牢記的是 選擇會在任何時刻做改變



因為我們想要在選擇之前知道結局 好讓我們去做對的選擇


這就是為何相較於接受 我們更害怕拒絕

What we should remember is that any choice can be changed at any time. We determine that by the outcome, which we know once we have made the choice this is where we step into doubt, confusion and indecision because we want to know the outcome of the choice before we choose, so we know we made the ‘right’ decision. Yet that be known only after the choice has been made, which is why we are more afraid to decline than to accept, even if declining is our more powerful option.



並在此之前 暫停一會兒去自問那些問題

並且 信任自我的結果 不論結局將擴展或縮限我們的世界

我們都還有機會拒絕 並接受另一個選項
There’s only one way to find out and that is to make the accept or decline choice with confidence, pausing to ask questions and trusting that with the outcome we will know whether we made a choice that will expand our world or limit it and then we can decline that option and accept another one.



    創作者 夏月之水 的頭像


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