

The angel for Monday

Gabriel rules over the waters. The perils and benefits of the creature of the waters should be at focus on this day. Archangel Gabriel is the highest ranking Angel of the Christian, Hebrew and Moslem religions. Gabriel is the Angel of the Annunciation of the Madonna, Resurrection of Christ, Mercy, Vengeance, Death, and Revelation. This Chief of the Angelic Guards was placed as guardian of Paradise , and ruler of Monday, the day of the Moon. Gabriel is noted as the author of the Koran according to Mohammed, founder of the Moslem religion. Our intentions on Monday should involve Psychological Balance, Beauty, Psychic Abilities, Feminine Forces, Dreams, Astral Travel, Protection, and Intuition. In the Christian Church the chalice and fountain represent the tools of the Angel as used in Holy Communion and Baptism. White or Silver colors should be worn with pearls or white or silver jewelry. Over one-half of the U.S. population dies on Monday. Great protection against tempests of weather and travel are summoned through Gabriel.

By its very nature, Monday and its hours are the best times to allow our bad habits, fallen graces, or lost loves to pass, while opening all doors in our midst to new beginnings that were previously closed to us, but are now foretold to us this day by Gabriel, the Angel of the Moon.

加百列 - 週一生日的守護天使

加百列掌管水。在這天要特別留意與水相關的事物會帶來的危險與利益。加百列大天使是基督教、猶太教、以及回教裡最高位階的天使。加百列是為聖母瑪利亞報喜、宣告耶穌復活、告示仁慈、復仇、死亡以及神示的天使。這位天使護衛隊的領袖負責守護天國、也是星期一- 月亮之日的掌管者。根據回教創始者穆罕默德所說,加百列是可蘭經的作者。在星期一這天,我們的意向應該會牽涉到心理上的平衡、美的事物、通靈能力、女性力量、夢想、星際旅遊、防護、以及直覺等方面。在基督教教堂裡,高腳杯與噴泉象徵天使的工具,正如在領聖餐禮與聖浸禮中所使用一樣。衣著上要以白色或銀色系為主、並佩戴珍珠、白色或銀色的飾品。有一半以上的美國人死於星期一這天。召喚加百列天使以抵禦在天氣上以及旅行中的激烈變化。

就其特性而言,星期一這天最適合讓我們的壞習慣、墮落的德性、或是失去的愛情都一一過去,只要將我們內在裡所有的門,向全新的開始敞開,這些門原先是對我們緊閉著的,現在卻已被加百列- 這位月之天使所預示開啟。


相關資料參考 ~

四大天使長的介紹(4) 加百列 Gabriel


【天使療法】Archangel Gabriel大天使加百列



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