
The angel for Tuesday

Samael (Sammael), Ruler of the Fifth Heaven, has been regarded as one of the greatest Angels operating in Heaven. Samael represents the severity of God, but also the power to achieve Victory over Adversity and Adversaries through Virtue with great Power. Hence, this Angel should be a Patron to all those who do battle on the battlefield, in the courtroom, and in all occupations of Law, Politics, Government and the Military.

By the very nature of Mars, its days and hours, our intentions will involve Romance, Health, War, Passion, Law, Power, Force and Courage. The forces of empowerment and protection in all partnerships, in our Bodies, and marriages are activated by this Angel. Clothing, the home and furniture as protective forces should also be considered on Tuesdays along with proper exercise and nutrition to attain good health. A color of Red should be worn this day with ruby, garnet or red jewelry of some kind. The tool of Mars is the sword, gavel, or pointer, and commonly finds its place in many daily rituals and functions.

撒彌爾 — 週二生日的守護天使






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