為新能量波的到來做好愛的準備!(迎接 2010年10月10日的新能量波)
Preparations of Love for the New Energy Wave by Lady Mary
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 27/09/10
A special and warm welcome is extended from my soul and heart to you now, may the energy of love, light and wise consciousness flow over and through your being as you allow your own heart to blossom in response to mine.
I am Lady Mary; I hold numerous titles such as the Virgin Mary and Mother Mary but I present myself to you as the highest light vibration form of my being, allowing my golden glow to penetrate your being. I have a special purpose of connecting with your energy today concerning the new anchoring of energy and cycle of the Creator's light which is drawing upon us now. The New Energy Wave of 2010 is to manifest onto the Earth both before and after the physical date of 10/10/10.
This new cycle of energy will extend into 2011 until a new energy holding appropriate intentions is anchored around the time of 11/11/11. The energy waves which anchor into the Earth from the Creator's soul are concentrated light holding guidance from the Creator's soul as to where humanity may need to place their attention and focus to progress spiritually, ascend and become one with the Creator's mighty soul. The energy waves have great impact on the Earth's vibration and can influence those receptive souls in a physical reality, demonstrating or bringing to light numerous challenges and lessons of growth to be overcome.
The energy waves act as guidelines of focus, insights into forthcoming challenges, inspire you to evaluate certain areas of your being and personality as well as aiding your embodiment of appropriate qualities from the Creator's soul. It is because of the wealth of purposes and wisdom held within the energy waves that many interpret the consciousness of the energy differently; this is due to their focus, needs and the way in which they view themselves and their reality.
While we on the inner planes can share with you our group conscious perspective of the Creator's energy and intentions now anchoring, it is for you to truly experience this sacred energy for yourself, remaining connected to it and to gain a personal understanding of the will of the Creator at this time of evolution on the Earth. An additional purpose of the energy wave is to encourage a greater number of souls on the Earth to connect with the energy and soul of the Creator not just on the same day but throughout the year as the energy vibration settles and integrates into the Earth.
It creates such a tremendous power when a large number of people hold the same intention and act as beacons of Creator light, the vibration of the Earth can sift considerably and realign on a securer connection with the Creator's soul. There is also much to be learnt from a constant connection with a certain aspect and intentions of the Creator's soul. One can discover more about themselves as a human and a soul of light.
The previous waves of 2008 and 2009 held wondrous qualities and teachings which have played a tremendous part in sifting the energy of the Earth to a focus of love and light. The presence of love is constant and strong within each energy wave as the anchoring of energy in this way each year is to build the presence of love on the Earth. To manifest love completely and absolutely within the minds, hearts, souls, bodies and actions of humanity as well as the entire manifestation of the Earth, is the will of the Creator.
Love will always be a focus on the Earth whether we are striving to manifest love, embodying love or simply experiencing the full presence of love. You can never hide from love but must accept that the reality you are experiencing is to allow you to embrace and embody love wholeheartedly; the love of the Creator that is present within everything and everyone on all levels of the Creator's universe.
The qualities of the 2009 energy wave were unconditional love, acceptance and balance; these qualities still hold a strong influence within the lives of humanity and are causing a tremendous clearing of negative energy and unneeded habits now and into the future. The unconditional love energy is allowing humans to see their truth more clearly but the energy of acceptance is assisting many in realising that they must work and focus upon their ability to accept and love themselves, those around them and the Creator wholeheartedly.
The ties of the past that are anchored into your present are being challenged and illuminated so that you may move forward holding the qualities and abilities of the Creator to love unconditionally, accept all that is the Creator including yourself and to remain balanced through times of turbulence both within and around you. These are great, challenging and powerful lessons to comprehend and embody which will interweave within your reality until they are mastered absolutely. It is important to call upon and anchor into your being now a higher vibration of the Creator's energy of unconditional love, acceptance and balance to support you and allow you to overcome challenges connected to these issues with greater ease. You may wish to say out loud during a quite time or in a meditative state,
'Beloved Creator I call upon your sacred and divine light to flow into and through my entire being now. Let me accept a higher vibration of your energy than I have previously experienced; bathe me in your true qualities of unconditional love, acceptance and balance. Allow me to love myself and soul unconditionally, accepting the truth that exists within and around me. Assist me in achieving my spiritual illumination from a place of peace and balance at all times promoting clarity within my heart, mind and reality.
Encourage me through my deep and secure connection and eternal flowing energy of unconditional love, balance and acceptance to love, to accept and cherish the aspects of the Creator all around me while accepting my true path and mission on the Earth.
I ask with pure and true intentions that the unconditional love, acceptance and balance of the Creator vibrates with power within the energy vibration and frequency of the Earth so that these sacred qualities may become the realities of all.
I ask that all unneeded energies, habits and false beliefs within and around me as well as within and around the Earth and all of humanity are now allowed to fall away guided by the will of the Creator. Let a love that is a powerful healer and comfort to all penetrate the Earth, civilisation and my being now. Thank you and let it be.'
The energy wave of 2009 is creating a foundational energy for the anchoring and manifestation of the 2010 energy wave. We will explain the energy wave of 2010 and its qualities at a later date but there is a need for all to focus upon love now in order to create a healing that allows all of humanity to move forward to the next stage of spiritual development and oneness with the Creator.
The light beings of the inner planes and I ask that you allow each day from now until the date of 10/10/10 to be focused upon love. We do not ask that every thought, emotion or action that you create is focused upon love as this would be a mammoth challenge to achieve in such a short time that most would probably admit defeat within a few days. All that we ask is that a greater number of your thoughts are loving towards yourself and those around you, that you rejoice and savour the emotions of love and bliss expanding their energy at these times to empower these sacred feelings.
We also ask that rather than evaluating your actions that you consciously make an effort to create actions and situations where the Creator's love can be energetically shared, manifested and exchanged. Each action of kindness, compassion or truth will aid in a continuous and expressive journey for the love of the Creator to flow further around the world. With a conscious and determined effort and passion to make these positive alterations you will allow a preparation process to begin on the Earth in anticipation of the anchoring of the new energy wave of intentions and qualities from the Creator's soul to powerfully and purely flow through your being.
This process will also raise your energy vibration and consciousness so that you are able to accept a higher vibration of love and wisdom from the new energy wave when connected and experiencing the energies openly. Allowing yourself to achieve what we ask of you is far more powerful than anchoring the love of the Creator into your being and into the Earth, because you are allowing the love within you to emerge, expand and develop and so are able to recognise the great wealth and abundance of love that you hold within you.
As a united consciousness we send a prayer to the All Mighty Creator for the manifestation of love as a positive influence within the lives and realities of all, as well as the frequency and vibration of Mother Earth. Let all see from their hearts and souls the presence of love and the Creator that is so abundantly present on the Earth now and as new intentions and qualities integrate to aid the evolution of humanity and the mighty soul within.
With a powerful stream of love flowing from my heart,