


1.      Handle all relationships properly處理好所有關係

2.      Give up judgment and bias放下分別和執著

3.      Break through thought barriers打破思維障礙

4.      Self-Confidence自信


This is Vivian(a guy) from Anhui China. I was born in a place not far from Yellow Mountain at 1984, now a graduate school student of USTC. I have studied Buddha's teaching for more than three years, and became interested in 2012 since last year. I can not find anyone who has the same interest around me, so I write this post to reach you. First I wanna say something about my own spiritual path.


I feel very lucky to be a Chinese at this very point of time & space. That's because in our traditional culture, central aim of all the sage's teachings is to get enlightenment. Especially in Buddhism, it has a systematic teaching about how to obtain self enlightenment. Buddha told us that our material world is nothing but an illusion of our own creation, there are theoretically countless dimension or realms in universe, there are no past and future, only the NOW moment. The key to enlightenment are don't make judgment and think in quantum (in my word). Actually, all the Zen Koans are trying to teach us to think out of box, out of duality, to think in quantum. 

在這個特別的時空點身為一個中國人我感到很榮幸。那是因為在我們的傳統文化中,所有聖賢教誨的中心目標都是為了開悟(enlightenment先秦儒家也是的,後來大家以為儒家只是治國,不求開悟)。特別是佛陀教育,它有一個系統的教育體系教導如何達到覺悟。佛告訴我們凡所有相,皆是虛妄,  宇宙中理論上有無量無邊的空間維次(法界),其實沒有過去和未來,只有當下。開悟的關鍵在於不要分別(評判),量子化(超越相對)的思考。[我的語言] 實際上禪宗的公案都是教我們跳出框框思考,跳出二元性,超越相對的。

I began to see 11:11 on computer since last year. At first I didn't know what's going on, just felt a little weird. But after keep seeing this, I began to search for answer. I red some Kryon's material last August, start to know a little. Right after I figured out what's 11:11 means, I felt some feeling in my brain and chest for several days, I thought it may indicate that my pineal and thymus are activating. All these things just happened to me, so I had to believe there is really something going on around the world during the next few years. Then I decided to come back school for further study on this.

我於去年年初開始在電腦上經常看見11:11。開始我不知道是怎麼回事,只是感到奇怪。但後來一直看到,我就開始尋找答案。去年八月,我讀了一些克里昂的 資料,開始知道了一點。正當我搞明白11:11意味著什麼時候,我開始感覺我的大腦和胸部有一點微弱的感覺,我想這可能意味著我的松果體和胸腺在開始啟動 了。所有的這一切就這樣發生在我身上,所以我不得不相信在未來的幾年在世界上一定會有一些事情發生。然後我決定回學校進一步研究此事。 

The most amazing thing happened around 10.10.10 last year. During those several days, I felt very peace and tranquility when I was reading books or watching videos, sometimes I even forget to breeze. Maybe because I red the right book at the right time, all the puzzles and confusions in my brain became clear to me. It felt like that I had begun connecting to the ultimate wisdom of the universe gradually, it didn't feel like you had found all the answers to your questions, but feel like originally there is no questions or paradoxes at all. I started to think everything in quantum. Though in quantum was like an ability you had obtained, before you got it, your thought would always encounter a seemingly unsolvable paradox very soon, but after you got it, you could naturally see things from a sphere view, paradoxes could only exist in linear thought model, so no questions for you any more. Actually, you don't have to think  to think in quantum, it's a natural process, it doesn't require you to think out the answer or solution, it emerges out naturally, only requires you to think out how to express it. After you get this ability or wisdom, you will find out that you have built up an inner truth compass inside you, you do not need any outside authority or dogma to tell you what's right or wrong any more, you can just feel it, and all your negative thoughts or emotions will gone forever, you just can't be negative anymore, inner peace and creative joy are the only things left.

最奇妙的事情發生在去年10.10.10左右。在這附近的幾天,我在看書和視頻的時候能感到非常的寧靜,有時我甚至忘了呼吸。或許我在正確的時間讀了正確的書(《宗鏡錄略講》強烈推薦有點佛法基礎的人讀),所有的疑問和困惑似乎都變得明瞭了。這感覺就像我逐漸開始與宇宙中的終極智慧相連接,這感覺並不像是你找到了所有問題的答案,而是像原來根本就沒有悖論和問題(天下本無事..)。我開始能用量子思維想事情。量子思維是一種你獲得的能力,在你獲得之前,你的思維很快就會遇到看似不可解的悖論,但當你獲得之後,你就能自然的從球面視角看問題,悖論只能存在于線性思維模式中,所以對你來說問題就都不存在了(理 論上的問題,實際問題還是要實際對待)。實際上,你不需要去想著要量子思維,這是一個自然的過程,它不需要你去想問題的答案,答案自然會浮現,只需要你想如何去表達它。當你獲得這種能力和智慧之後,你會發現你能在心中建立起一個真相指南針。你再也不需要外在的權威和教條來告訴你誰對誰錯,你可以感覺出來, 同時你所有的負面想法和情緒都會永遠消失,你就再也不可能負面了,剩下的只有內在的平靜和創造性的喜悅。 

I don't know why these changes occurred on me during that period of time until recently. I red a lot of channeled info on '' in this winter holiday, especially Metatron's channel through Tyberonn and Jesus/Jeshua's channel through Pamela Kribbe. I found these infos were of great useful to me and I became to know what was going on. 10.10.10 was a Key Date Activation, it was intense spiritual energy that I had felt in those days. It does not matter if you didn't feel what I felt at that time, the energy is still there and getting more intense as time goes by. Everyone who opens her/his heart to it will feel it sooner or later.

我不知道自己為什麼會發生這些變化,直到最近,我讀了一些''  上的通靈資訊  ,特別 Metatron's channel through Tyberonn and Jesus/Jeshua's channel through Pamela Kribbe。(此二者的資訊是我讀過的最有信息量,有實質內容,道理講的很明白,看了能恍然大悟和引起共鳴的通靈資訊。且Metatron的資訊還很偏 科學技術)我發現這些資訊對我非常有用,我慢慢知道到底是怎麼回事了。10.10.10是一個啟動關鍵日期,我那幾天感覺到的是非常強烈的靈性能量。如果你沒有感覺到並沒有關係(其實都有感覺到,仔細想想自己的變化就能發現),能量仍存在並且正變得更加強烈,每個敞開心扉接受它的人遲早都會感覺到。

The below quoted message is from ' '. I highly recommend you to read it, it's from Archangel Michael.



              心愛的,你們一直是這場變革的先鋒,現在我們請你們務必知曉:你們對於時間的感覺,將對你在接下來18個月中的個人轉變至關重要。你們將學會分辨什麼時候 你在走向死胡同的舊時間模式中,以及什麼時候你在新的時間模式中向前邁進。在舊的時間軸上,你體會加快的頻率就如同感到時間過得太快,壓力大,緊張,焦 慮,太多事情做不完。

              在新的第五維度時間軸上你將感到仿佛萬事萬物都慢下來了,總有足夠多的時間去完成需要做的事情。你將感到平靜和安寧,並知道你生命中的一切都在神聖的秩序 中。你將體會到富足和安康的感覺,且無論你的經濟狀況如何。還有,隨著你在地球上生活冒險的前進,你將能感到在生活中發生奇跡的可能性。

  I can testify for Archangel Michael, I have already grounded myself into the new timeline, I feel what exactly he told above, in one word I feel life is getting easier and easier. To the contrary, some of my friends are feeling life is getting harder and harder, I think they are still on the old timeline, so they always feel the stress and anxious.

At last I wanna leave you some hints about how to think in quantum or how to ground into the new timeline, it's the same thing.


1. Handle all relationships properly處理好所有關係
The key to all the relationship problems is: do not have emotional dependence on each other. If you have a thought of you can't live without someone, then you have the emotional dependency. Remember, emotional dependency is not love, and it will block the flowing of unconditional love from your heart! Jesus/Jeshua's channel through Pamela Kribbe are very helpful for us to


understand relationships, below is the address:
Especially these two articles:

2. Give up judgment and bias放下分別和執著
Don't focus on good/true things or bad/false things, everything has a meaning no matter it's good/true or bad/false, focus on the meanings, try to figure it out. We are here to pursue wisdom, not the good/true things. Wisdom is a kind of ability, not some true things or truth you think you can occupy. Give up bias means you have to give up bias on everything, even the poor bugs you dislike.

不要把注意力放在爭論好壞真假上,一切事物都有意義,不論它是真的好的還是假的壞的,要關注它的意義,試圖找出它。我們到這來是為了追求智慧的,不是為了追求好的東西。智慧是一種能力,不是一些你認為自己可以佔有真東西。放下分別執著意味著你要放下你對一切事情的分別執著,哪怕是對一隻你不喜歡的小 蟲。(一迷一切迷,對一隻蟲的分別執著放不下,都會阻礙你開悟,當然最難放下的還是情執) 

3. Break through thought barriers打破思維障礙
The key to inner peace is to understand some fundamental questions like why our soul never die? why we create our own reality? etc. And the key to understanding is not trying hard to understand, but breaking through thought barriers. The barriers is our one direction linear thought model. The first thing we need to do is to think reversely. For example, there is only one thing in Universe: matter, energy, information. These three concepts actually indicate THE ONE thing from three different aspects, not three things. We understand the universe from matter to information, from visual to abstract. The universe unfold its abstract mystery to a vision for us to observe, so the start point of the universe is the abstract information not the visual matter. Do you see the problems we have got? The materialism is wrong, the universe is not based on matter but information. We need to think reversely, from information to matter, to really unveil the secret of our universe. What is information? It's our soul. So please stop use visual thinking to understand the multi-dimensional universe, use your soul to perceive it.

獲得內在平靜的關鍵是要真正理解一些很基本的問題,比如為什麼靈魂不滅?為什麼我們的現實是我們自己創造的?等等。想要理解這些問題的關鍵不是要使勁去想,而是要突破思維障礙。這個障礙就是單向線性思維模式。我們要做的第一件事情就是反向思維。舉個例子,宇宙中只有一種東西:物質、能量、資訊。這些概念實際上指得是一種東西的三個表像而不是三種東西。我們理解宇宙是從物質開始到資訊,從形象到抽 象。宇宙把它的抽象秘密展開成形象的東西讓我們觀察,所以宇宙的起點是抽象的資訊而不是形象的物質。看到我們的問題所在了嗎?唯物主義是錯的,宇宙的基礎 不是物質,而是資訊。(我們應該把資訊當做出發點來理解宇宙,而不是物質,反者道之動,我們用什麼順序發現,理解宇宙,那麼宇宙展開發生的規律就自然 是反過來的順序)我們需要反向思考,從資訊到物質,以真正揭開宇宙神秘的面紗。那什麼是資訊?就是我們的靈魂。所以不要嘗試用形象思維去理解多維宇宙,用 你的心靈去感覺。(宇宙是抽象的,必須用純粹抽象思維能力,也就是不著相的思維能力思考,才能想明白,用形象思維去理解高維度是不可能的)

4. Self-Confidence自信
Self-Confidence is THE most important key. You are the God, the Buddha yourself. The Universe is you, you are not outside the universe nor inside it. Believe in this, do not search outside, you have got everything you needed within you. Have faith in your heart, it will manifest the world it longs for you.





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