Transcript for Who Are You.... Really
Any thought that you have had about yourself, however deflated or inflated, is not who you are. It is simp⋯⋯ly a thought. The truth of who you are cannot be thought, because it is the source of all thoughts. The truth of who you are cannot be named or defined.
Words like soul, light, God, truth, self, consciousness, the universal intelligence, or divinity, while capable of evoking the bliss of the truth, are grossly inadequate as a description of the immensity of who you truly are.
However you identify yourself: as child, adolescent, a mother, a father, an older person, healthy person, sick person, a suffering person, or an enlightened person - always, behind all of that, is the truth of yourself. It is not foreign to you. It is so close that you cannot believe it is you.
無論你如何認同自己是: 一個孩童或青少年、一位母親或父親、一個老人、健康的人、生病的人、一個飽受苦難的人或者是一個明智的人 - 最後,在那些所有的認同背後,都是真正的自己。它對你來說並不陌生。它與你是如此的親近、以至於你無法置信那就是你自己。
The truth of who you are is untouched by any concept of who you are, whether ignorant or enlightened, worthless or grand. The truth of who you are is free of it all.
You are already free and all that blocks your realization of that freedom is your own attachment to some thought of who you are. This thought doesn't keep you from being the truth of who you are. You already are that. It separates you from the realization of who you are. I invite you to let your attention dive into what has always been here, waiting openly for its own self-realization.
你一直都是自由的,而那些所有阻礙你領悟此自由的,只是你自己對於「你是誰」的執念。這個執念並不能阻止你成為真正的你。因為你已經是那如是的自己了。那個執念只是把你與對自身的認知分離吧! 請讓你的注意力潛入那一直都存在的當下、那敞開地等待著對自己的自悟。
Who are you, really? Are you some image that appears in your mind? Are you some sensation that appears in your body? Are you some emotion that passes through your mind and body? Are you something that someone else has said you are, or are you the rebellion against something that someone else has said you are? These are some of the many avenues of misidentification.
你真的知道你是誰嗎? 你是頭腦裡顯現出的那些影像嗎? 你是身體上的某些觸覺感官嗎? 你是身心感受的一些情緒嗎? 你是他人所描繪的你嗎? 或者你只是為了抗拒擺脫別人對你的評論而扮演的叛逆者? 這些(影像、感官、情緒、他人所描繪)描述,在尋求解答你是誰的道路上,只是許多錯誤認知中的一部分而已。
All of these definitions come and go, are born and then die. The truth of who you are does not come and go. It is present before birth, throughout a lifetime, and after death. To discover the truth of who you are is not only possible it is your birthright. Any thoughts that this discovery is not for you, now is not the time, you are not worthy, you are not ready, you already know who you are, are just tricks of the mind.
所有的這些描述定義來了又去、生滅不已。你是誰的事實不該是來去不定。它存在於出生前、整個人生、以及存在於死後。去探索你是誰的真正意義不僅是可能,而且是你與生俱來的權利。任何念頭關於(探索並不是為了你,當下時辰不對,你不值得,你未準備就緒,你已知你是誰) 這些無明的念頭,只不過是頭腦玩的遊戲罷了!
It is time to investigate this I-thought and see what validity it really has. In this examination, there is an opening for the conscious intelligence that you are to finally recognize itself.
The most important question you can ever ask yourself is: Who am I? In a certain way, this has been an implicit question asked throughout every stage of your life. Every activity, whether individual or collective, is motivated at its root by a search for self-definition. Typically, you search for a positive answer to this question and run away from a negative answer.
你所能問你自己最重要的問題就是;我是誰? 在某種說法上,在人生的各個階段、這是常被問到的一個含蓄的問題。每一個活動,不管是個人的還是集體的,其動機都是被這自我尋根所驅使。一般來說,你尋求積極正面的答案,而遠離消極負面的答案。
Once this question becomes explicit, the momentum and the power of the question direct the search for the true answer, which is open-ended, alive, and filled with ever deepening insight.
當問題漸漸地變得清晰時,這個問題的動力引導著尋求真正的答案。 而這答案卻是開放不受限的、活躍的、且充滿著極深的洞見。
You have experienced both success and failure. After a certain stage, early or late, you realize that, who you are, however that is defined, is not satisfying. Unless this question has been truly answered, not just conventionally answered, you will still be hungry to know. Because, no matter how you have been defined by others, well-meaning or not, and no matter how you have defined yourself, no definition can bring lasting certitude.
The moment of recognizing that no answer has ever satisfied this question is crucial. It is often referred to as the moment of spiritual ripeness, the moment of spiritual maturity. At this point, you can consciously investigate who you really are.
In its power and simplicity, the question Who am I? throws the mind back to the root of personal identification, the basic assumption: I am somebody. Rather than automatically taking that assumption as the truth, you can investigate deeper.
簡潔有力的去問,「我是誰?」這個問題、瞬間將頭腦拋回到自我認知的根,回到這根本的假設: 我是某某人。暫勿將世俗的假設自動地拿來當成真理,你可以再深入的檢驗。
It is not difficult to see that this initial thought, "I am somebody", leads to all kinds of strategies: to be a better somebody, a more protected somebody, a somebody with more pleasure, more comfort, more attainment. But when this very basic thought is questioned, the mind encounters the I that is assumed to be separate from what it has been seeking. This is called self-inquiry.
那就不難了解那最初的念頭,「我是某某人」,此念頭所引發出的所有後續行為: 成為比較好的某某人、比較能保護、比較有趣的某某人、比較有安全感的某某人等等...當這最基本的設想念頭被挑戰提問時,頭腦遇上了「我」,那長久以來一直在尋找、被假想分離的自「我」。這就是所謂的自我探求。
This most basic question: Who am I?, is the one that is the most overlooked. We spend most of our days telling ourselves or others we are someone important, someone unimportant, someone big, someone little, someone young, someone old, never truly questioning this most basic assumption: Who are you, really?
人生最根本的問題: 我是誰? 也是最容易被人忽視的問題。我們花了許多時間告訴自己或他人,我們是某某重要的人物、某某微不足道的人、某某大人、某某小人、某某年輕人、某某老人,然而從未真正的去探討懷疑過這最根本的假設: 你真的是誰呢?
How do you know: that is who you are? Is that true? Really? When you turn your attention toward the question: Who am I? perhaps you will see an entity that has your face and your body. But who is aware of that entity? Are you the object, or, are you the awareness of the object? The object comes and goes. The parent, the child, the lover, the abandoned one, the enlightened one, the victorious one, the defeated one. These identifications all come and go.
你怎麼得知: 那個假設就是你? 那真的是你嗎? 當你把注意力轉向「我是誰?」這個問題時: 或許你會看到一個帶有自己的臉孔和身體的肖像。但是、是誰來覺知那尊肖像? 你是這個肖像嗎? 還是你是這肖像的覺知者? 這個肖像身分來了又去。父母、孩子、愛人、被遺棄者、智者、勝者、敗者,這些身分也都是一直來去變幻不定的。
The awareness of these identifications is always present. The misidentification of yourself as some object in awareness leads to extreme pleasure or extreme pain and endless cycles of suffering. When you are willing to stop the misidentification and discover directly and completely that you are the awareness itself and not these impermanent definitions, the search for yourself in thought ends.
對於這些身分的覺知一直都是呈現在當下的。若誤認為你自己就是這些名詞身分,那將墮入極樂或極苦和永無止盡苦痛的深淵。當你願意停止這錯誤的認知,直接完全地去發現你就是那覺知的自己、而不是這些無常的身分定義,那麼、這自我尋根之旅就結束了(找到了它的安定處 無所住)!
When the question Who? is followed innocently, purely, all the way back to its source, there is a huge, astounding realization: There is no entity there at all! There is only the indefinable, boundless recognition of yourself as inseparable from anything else. You are free. You are whole. You are endless. There is no bottom to you, no boundary to you. Any idea about yourself appears in you and will disappear back into you.
當這個問題「誰?」,完全自然地被追尋至它的源頭,會有一個巨大的震撼領悟: 覺知到無任何一物的存在! 僅有這無法定義的、無界限的認識到、自我與萬物間的不可分割性。你是自由的、完整的。你是無限的、無底、無界限的。任何有關於你的觀念一旦顯現,那觀念也瞬間回到你的自身而滅盡。(即生即滅)
You are awareness, and awareness is consciousness. Let all self-definitions die in this moment. Let them go, and see what remains. See what is never born and what does not die. Feel the relief of laying down the burden of defining yourself. Experience the actual non-reality of the burden. Experience the joy that is here. Rest in the endless peace of your true nature before any thought of I arises.