October is a month of celebration and of work. It is not only harvest time in most places in the Northern hemisphere, but also a time of processing what has been harvested. Before mechanized farming, a great deal of works needed to be done to make sure there was enough food for the coming year. Once that was done, there was time to rest and celebrate the successful harvest.
The grain was cut and bundled into sheaves, then the sheaves were threshed and the grain separated from the straw and chaff, The grain had to be stored in a way to preserve it from rodents, insects, and rot. Turning some of the grain into beer, grapes into wind, or apples into cider, was a way to not only keep these foods from spoiling but also to make alcohol to enjoy.
Potatoes and other root crops were dug up; peas and beans were picked and dried. Onions were pulled from the ground, the tops braided together, and then hung from walls or the ceiling. Soft fruits might be dried. Most of us don’t see any of this in these days of refrigerated food shipped halfway around the world.
October was and is a time for hunting. Deer rut during this season, so killing off the surplus males is in accord with the natural process. And the weather is becoming cold enough that meat is less likely to spoil. Therefore, this is also the time to slaughter excess livestock on farm. The meat must be processed and cured in such way that it will keep through the winter. Smoking, brining, and pickling were all used to preserve meat.
But October is also a time of festivity. In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in October. There are many large markets and harvest fairs in October; the world’s largest annual fair is Oktoberfest, which has been celebrated in Munich since 1810, with some six million people attending every year. Beer plays a central role in the fair, which begins when the mayor taps a keg of beer. Oktoberfests are held in many other cities in Germany and elsewhere. And the natural world joins in the festivities by putting on the annual display of color.
October ends with Samhain, one of the most important holidays of the Witches’ year. Samhain is the culmination of the harvest and the hunt. This holiday is about death; because only through death of plants and animals can we feed ourselves. This is the time to remember all that had died in the course of the year before. Life feeds on life. The Horned God symbolizes both the hunter and the hunted, the stag and those who pursue the stag. The Green God of vegetation dies at this time of year, as vegetation dies, whether it is gathered for food, dies from frost, or merely reaches the end of its life.
10月底的薩溫節(死神祭)對女巫師來說是一年最中重要的節日之一。薩溫節(死神祭)是收成和狩獵最高潮的祭典。這個節日是跟死亡有關的,因為只有透過植物和動物的死亡,才能養活我們自己。這個時間,要記住所有在前一年已經逝去的過程。生命飼養著生活。有角的神(The Horned God),象徵著獵人和獵物,雄鹿追趕著雄鹿。大地之神(The Green God of Vegetation) 也在每年的這個時節死亡,如同植物死亡,不管是被收集當成食物,或是被霜凍死,或僅僅達到其壽命終點。
One type of Samhain celebration is a Dumb Supper, a meal eaten in silence, communing with the spirits of those who have died. Traditional foods for the Dumb Supper vary, but they should be favorite foods of those you plan to honor. Set a formal dinner table, with a tablecloth and your best dished, as you would for any honored guests. There should b several more places set than living guests attending. The meal should not begin until after dark, and use candles for lighting, not electric lights. Allow the candles to burn until they have gone out. Photos and mementos of those who have died may be placed on the table or someplace else in the room.
For the feast itself, people enter the room in silence, serve themselves or pass dished, and eat without speaking or making any sound if at all possible. Be sure there is a libation plate and bowl; some of each liquid should be put in the bowl, some of each solid food placed on the plate. Afterward, these should be given to the earth by placing them in a compost heap or burying them in the garden. In this way, many Witches honor their dead and celebrate the harvest at Samhain.