Christmas Channeling - Kuthumi, Guineviere, Mary Magdeline, Goddess Jezebel(下)
I am Mary Magdeline and it is a great honour and pleasure to be present with you on this very special day of celebration.
I have come forward in my role of service to ensure that the Twin Flame Planetary Grids of Unity Consciousness are anchored within the hearts of not only men and women but within the hearts of children. Unity consciousness begins within the self and this is nothing new to you. It is vital that all children understand the power of uniting with their own power. Children need to feel safe within the love that is present within their environment, the love between their parents and the love that comes to them from their parents.
A child feels very insecure and fearful when the love between its parents is insincere. This happens when two people decide they will remain within a toxic relationship for the sake of their children and I am speaking to you today, those of you who have made such a choice and I ask you to please think about this very carefully. Children are very sensitive. They are highly intelligent and know when the love between their parents is insincere. By remaining within a relationship that is unfulfilling and toxic you are teaching your children to do the same in their future. You as a mother or a father want the very best for your children, do you truly desire that your son or daughter live their life in an unfulfilling relationship such as your own? Is that what you wish for them? I did not think so. Your wish is that your child experiences true love, fulfilling, unconditional, mutually respectful love with a man or a woman who truly loves them, and that the grandchildren that are born through their union are loved, nurtured and supported within a healthy, loving family environment.
孩子們覺得不安現和恐懼,當他們父母間的愛缺誠意。兩個人決定為了小孩的緣故,他們會繼續這段有毒的關係,而我今天對你們的發言,你們這些作出這樣選擇的人,我請你們仔細想想。 小孩子是非常敏感的。 他們是非常聰明有智慧的,並知道何時雙親之間的愛,是缺乏誠意的。 持續這一段關係,而且是不能滿足及有毒的關係,你教你的孩子在他們的未來做同樣的事情。 你作為一個母親或父親,希望盡力為你的孩子,你是否真的渴望你的兒子或女兒,活出他們的人生在一段無法滿足的關係當中,如同你自己的嗎? 那就是你希望給他們的嗎? 我不這麼認為。 你希望你的孩子經驗真愛,滿足,無條件的,與真正愛他們的男人或女人間相互尊重的愛,並希望孫子,經由他們結合而生的小孩,是被愛的,被健康充滿愛的家庭環境所養育支持。
Therefore you must take action now, you must do everything in your power to ensure that the example you are setting for your children is one that empowers them, it is one that teaches them that they deserve only the best and never to settle for anything less. The more separate you feel in your life the more you are affirming separation consciousness. This is all created energetically which your children naturally tap into, and this results in dysfunctional behaviour within children. You will be very surprised to know how much is happening within the world that has led to children being misdiagnosed as having behavioural problems.
The majority of children who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder amongst other disorders, are simply suffering from the disorder of energy within their heart space as a result of the disorder of energy within their home space, and the key to their healing lies with their parents, the relationship between their parents with one another, and the relationship with their parents with them self which impacts on the relationship between the parents and the child.
So here I am and I am beseeching you to look at your environment, to look at your circumstances and to make the changes that you know in your heart are essential. Now do not let fear prevent you from taking this step because it is an essential action and you will be supported.
I also wish to speak to those of you who have taken action and separated from your partner. You who are carrying guilt in your heart feeling that you are depriving your child or children of the presence and love of one of their parents, please let go of your guilt. Your child is prepared for this change as much as you are, it is a necessary change and on a soul level your child knows this. Your child needs to know how much you love her or him and needs to be reassured that it is not their fault for the break-up. This is a natural reaction within children because they have become accustomed to separation consciousness and are in conflict in relation to the perceptions and belief systems of humanity relating to separation and divorce within marriages or relationships where children are involved. Step beyond society’s old paradigm laws and perceptions and be the leader that you are.
There are many groups forming which bring individuals such as yourselves together where you can nurture each other and your children can be nurtured, where a group is formed that offers support, comfort and nurturance. If there is no such group in your close vicinity then I also urge you to then anchor it and begin it, to bring people together so that the support systems are available for you as single parents, and for your children who are coming from homes that have separated, so that Unity Consciousness can replace the sense of separation.
Your roles are important and you are bringing a very valuable gift to the planet. This is the gift and blessing that the mass Christ consciousness is bestowing upon you and it is an endless blessing, a source of mass Christ energy that will motivate and inspire you to continue doing what needs to be done to ensure that you and your children are fully embraced in Unity Consciousness.
I am Mary Magdeline, bride of Yeshua and through my light and through my love I shall assist you and guide you. It is time now for me to leave this space and to make way for my feisty sister of the light, Jezebel. May you all indulge in the divine gifts of Christ presence. Au Revoir.
我是抹大拉的瑪麗亞,耶穌的新娘,通過我的光與愛,我會協助並引導你們。現在是我離開的時候了,讓我活躍的光的姐妹,Jezebel來到這裡。願你沈醉在基督存在神聖的禮物中,Au Revoir!
I am Jezebel, Liberator of Women and I welcome you into my presence as much as I ask you to welcome me into your presence.
The celebration of the Christ-mass is one that enables all of you to feel the depths of your spirit, an energy that is very, very necessary at this time. I would also like to point out at this particular time that even though I work as the Liberator of Women, I serve in the capacity of Liberator of the Feminine, therefore the feminine within both men and women are liberated as a result of what I bring to all of you.
As a key element in the anchoring of Unity Consciousness I stand before you today bringing you blessings, blessings that I trust will assist you in understanding that the role you play on earth is a very important one. This role is one that is a catalyst for others to wake up to the new energy, to shake off all their masks and their insecurities and get on with their life, to move beyond the constraints and limitations of old paradigm perceptions. All of that is a waste of time and it is a waste of energy. You have spent so much of your energy already losing yourself in the past, losing yourself in being afraid of recreating the past and what good has that done you? Very little, in fact you have recreated your past because you have given it so much energy.
I, Jezebel, present you now with the doorway into a new world and Guinevierre and Mary Magdeline have set the stage for this to come into being. I am the one who stands before you, grasping you by the wrist and telling you come now! No more procrastination, no more um-ing and ah-ing over what is. Either you will do this or you won’t. Over the next six weeks you must choose whether you will remain in the old way of creating your life, worrying about the what ifs and being afraid of recreating the past or, getting on with your life and utilising the Twin Flame Planetary Grids of Unity Consciousness and recreating the World of Unification and bridging into this New World.
Already many opportunities have been presented to you, and those of you who are being presented with new partners as well as those of you who are being presented with the opportunity to create the new relationship within yourself and within your children, open your hearts now and take advantage, accept and embrace what you have prayed for.
You are being presented with the answer to your prayers at this current time, and in fact for some of you have been presented with the answer to your prayers for some months now, but because of your attachment to your fear of recreating the past you have not been able to see it, you have been blind to what the universe is presenting you. So stop your non-sense and look to what makes sense, the inner sense-ability to know that you have the power and the chance now to do everything differently.
With this presence you are allowing the mass Christ energy to propel you at an accelerated rate into the new paradigms of fluid love, unconditional love, divine love, romantic love, prosperity consciousness, victory and trust consciousness. Whatever you are saying no to out of fear is causing stagnation. It will result in a level of limitation or should we say delays and postponement. It is a time of decisions and this is why the present I bring you through the mass Christ celebration is the power of being in the now moment, and the power to make a decision in the now moment. Your now moment is now, the moment you are hearing my words or for those of you who will read it, this is your now moment. Now is your time to make a decision. You have a window period of six weeks from the moment you hear or read these words.
So the future of your journey now lies in your hands.
I am delighted to walk by your side, to guide you, to assist you, and to push you along if I must. I am delighted that I have been presented with an opportunity to serve alongside you, to serve you and to serve through you for it is your soul that has given permission for us to work with you in this manner, and if you are hearing these words or you are reading these words you have responded consciously to your soul’s promptings to experience what you are currently experiencing.
To put this all into one picture, this is your time of stepping fully into Unity Consciousness through the vibration of love, romantic love, unity love consciousness. You have moved beyond the paradigm of separation and this is your journey to another level of soul freedom. Separating yourself from love will not bring you that level of soul freedom, it is by stepping into what you fear and embracing what you fear that you will master it, and that challenge lies before all of you.
For those of you who are being faced with a love opportunity who are afraid of embracing it, for those of you who are being forced now to embrace self love, to look at yourself through the eyes of love and develop a new relationship with yourself, for those of you who are afraid of moving away from your past relationships because you think it is in the best interest of your children or whoever else it is, this is also your time. Therefore all of you are being affected by these energies in one way or another and for some of you, perhaps you are being faced with the dual process of having to embrace a new love opportunity in your life, and simultaneously embrace self love. There are some of you who are in a current relationship and your new love prospect has walked into your life, shattering your world, and forcing you to look at what you want, what you don’t want, what the quality of your life is and if you have settled for second best. At the same you are also being asked to love yourself, because if you reject this new love opportunity because you feel guilty if you walk away from what you have, you are depriving your children because there is no real reason for you to leave your partner, but inside your heart, inside your soul you know it is something that must be done.
So I, Jezebel, who likes to speak very straight forward, ask you to remember, we are rocking your world, we are turning everything upside down and you will only experience it as a rocking of your world and everything being turned upside down if there is anything out of balance that needs to be brought into balance, that needs to become one with Unity Consciousness, you will feel the effects and this is our Christ-mass gift to you. So let us all stand together celebrating this energy and as you have listened to all of our words while being a vessel for this Christ-mass energy we embrace you in the triple Goddess energy, the Holy Trinity, the Unity of Man, Woman and Child bringing together the Sacred Triad of Unity Consciousness. Allow this blessfull energy to creep into the depths of your fear, to transmute it so that you may look and see the gems, the treasures and the gifts that are already in your life waiting to be recognised, waiting to be embraced and loved.
Love your fear to death by loving what the Christ-mass consciousness is presenting to you in the form of a magnificent gift. This gift could be a new lover, a new love for yourself, a new sense of serenity and peace, because you know you have followed your truth and that your children are being presented with a new blueprint for their future, for their relationships and for love and you have made it possible.
Blessings to all of you, may the Christ-mass celebration become one you indulge in every day.
I am Jezebel. Namaste.
我是Jezebel, Namaste!