來自北美土著祖先的信息 --- 全息月亮週期 : 對記起月亮週期的祝福 (一)
Holographic Moon Cycles
Blessings for Remembering the Cycles of the Moon
The Native American Ancestors through Karen Danrich “Mila” May 29, 2008
北美土著祖先通過Karen Danrich “Mila”傳遞,2008年5月29日
今日的月相 : http://www.calculatorcat.com/moon_phases/phasenow.php?tcv=28
Translated By 流星似火
Dear Beloved upon the Red Road of Inner Discovery,
It is the Native American Ancestors that have something to share today. Long ago our ancient ones were well aware of the moon cycles. Moon cycles are not necessarily about what the "Farmer's Almanac" has to say, or even the Hawaiians that followed the moon cycles for planting and fishing along with celebration purposes. Moon cycles are about the time that the moon shines following each day of activity that is not only for rest but also introspection about the spiritual lessons that you may be learning. Mila has called this time of introspection "Dream Time".
Dream time is a time for the body to rest and for the light body or dream time self to assist in your ascension by gathering records necessary unto your spiritual journey in the healing temples that earth has orchestrated for ascending humans. The records researched may include the necessary DNA to repair a particular part of the body that is ailing or requires attention for the ascension ahead; or to research karma in the inheritance for a particular energy dynamic that is troublesome and could lead to disease if not forgiven; or helping to assemble holographic templates related to one's inheritance. Sometimes those who are gifted conscious dreamers experience portions of their dream time consciously while lying awake and focusing upon the patterns that the dream time self is relaying back to physicality. Mila and Oa spend portions of each night consciously dreaming about the patterns that they are personally transcending in their current phase of ascension along with group patterns that are troublesome that require releasing at events ahead. Dream time offers an opportunity to review the life dream and then forgive those patterns at cause of dreams one does not desire to manifest so that a different dream steps into physicality.
Conscious dream time is for those who are choosing to consciously learn to intend and weave their dreams and then live to experience them. Generally speaking, humans today accept the dreams that they experience whether they like them or not without awareness that they can mold or alter dreams to a more desirous outcome. Molding dreams requires paying attention to the dreams stepping down into the physical, and then through the conscious choice to understand the karma between dissonant parties or within dissonant experiences, forgive the karma altering the outcome of the dream in one's favor. As the karma skewing any dream in a particular manner is released, then a new dream is cast causing a different outcome in the dance of life can descend. (See the Twelve Paths of the Red Road Home for some tips on conscious dream weaving.)
Conscious dreaming and choosing to mold dreams in one direction or another is the result of the choice to ascend. In the choice to ascend, you choose to experience your "bardo" or life review nightly rather than upon death or near death experience. Humans have been so unaware of the need to assess the spiritual lessons that they are learning over the course of the life that they have deferred this experience to an after death phenomenon. In the choice to ascend, you begin to review your life each night so that the lessons you are learning can be understood in the now; and the karma can be forgiven in the now in order to alter the dream for the life as well as for the body. It is only as you forgive the body level dream for a particular set of DNA that is dissonant and that you were born with that new DNA can be ascended into that is more harmonious leading to a more joyous and harmonious life expression. So the process of experiencing bardo each night to assess, release and forgive is a necessary part of the ascension path.
The expressions of dream time follow particular moon cycles that flow with a series of inward and outward moving focuses. Inward moving focuses allow the dream for the body to be attended unto. Inward moving focuses begin with the new moon and complete with the full moon and allow the DNA and etheric grid work of the form to be recast and rewoven for continued biological ascension. Outward moving focuses begin with the full moon and end with the new moon. Outward moving focuses allow for the dream for the life to be attended unto and you will focus upon relationship based karma in order to release it and mold the dream for the dance of life into more greatly unity based experience. It is as the moon cycles direct ascension upon a monthly basis as a result.
Months today are defined by an artificial system that was imported from the Pleiades by the family of Anu. The calendar of days humans attune unto today is really an Anu Slave Civilization phenomenon and therefore inaccurate in terms of the cycles that Terra (earth) experiences. In other cycles, your red nation's ancestors including the Native Americans did not have a written language and cycles were observed in relationship to the shape of the moon.
During the to the era of the Anu there were two moons that came to revolve around earth instead of one. One of these moons came with the Anu who stole a moon from the planet Jupiter in your solar system and set it in rotation around earth. The two moons created a stronger pull all told in the dream time cycles of all humans to experience. The stronger pull caused problems for red nations' peoples by polarizing emotions to an extreme leading to conflict within tribes and between tribes that later led to war over a lack of resources. The added moon also caused the weather to become increasingly imbalanced leading to droughts where there had been none before and then starvation and conflict over resources that followed. Alas Merduk used the second moon in an attempt to destroy Innana by blowing it up when it was posed above one of her favorite castles for romance. The falling debris did destroy the castle, but Innana was off in another natural place having a sexual interlude with one of her red nation's lovers and survived. The falling pieces of moon created craters upon earth's surface, one of which remains today known as "Crater Lake" in Oregon.
As the moons were restored to only a single pull upon earth's atmosphere, greater balance of weather did occur, but only for a short time period thereafter. For shortly after destroying Innana's favorite lover castle, Merduk and Innana declared war upon one another which culminated in a nuclear annihilation some 1000 years later. The annihilation so distorted earth's elements that restoring weather patterns to what they were prior to this time period is still a project for the Earth Mother at this time in her global ascension.
Moon cycles today can help ascending humans direct their ascensions more consciously. Conscious dreaming is not limited to night time activities. Mila and Oa often consciously dream during the day while in meditation; or sometimes even while driving down the road. All dreams that are consciously attuned unto are held in a separate reality from the dream from which you live your life experience and expression from day to day. Each day of life experience and expression is a series of frames of a movie or script that is broadcast through the dream time planes and catches upon the energy flow of your field and the fields of all around yourself. The field creates a screen of sorts in its rotation that catches the dream. Each day's dream rolls forward over each in the dance of life directing the show or play that one is participating in. Each day of physical life experience is also a series of frames that directs the physical life of the body. Each day ahead and has yet to manifest is held in a particular manifestation plane awaiting to be drawn into physicality. One can edit the dream right up until it manifests through intention. This is the gift of conscious dream weaving.
For example, you may intend an easy parking space. The dream rearranges ahead to accommodate the intention as long as there is not karma interfering with the goal; and you easily manifests the parking space one desires. Intending a joyous time out with friends and clearing conflictive dreams will rearrange the dream to be more harmonious ahead. Intending a joyful time preparing meals will rearrange the dream to find just the right ingredients for the menu envisioned and call an experience of happiness in cooking in the kitchen. The only problem is karma; if you have karma for impoverishment, you may drive around the parking lot many times seeking your spot; or if you have karma with your friends for conflict, the dream may sour anyway leading to a less than joyful time together; or if you have karma with the plant kingdoms, the cooking dream may turn sour and one may find one's cake falling or the meal not coming together as envisioned.
The solution to this is to forgive your karma before you manifest your dreams, day by day, experience by experience, and then your dance of life can become more greatly joyful to experience. Ascension after all is about forgiving your ancestral karma. It is ancestral karma that skews dreams in strange and sour manners. Sometimes karma is good in nature and skews a dream into a positive outcome such as a new job that you love or a new residence that is beautiful or finding a new outfit that you love wearing. Sometimes karma is negative and skews experiences into the opposite; this is karma worthy of forgiving as then a more joyful overall dream may manifest ahead. The Hawaiian Ancestors wrote a really nice article about Intending Your Life and Dream that will assist in understanding a little more about the nature of human dream weaving as well.
Dreams for disease are the result of a sour body level dream. Sour body level dreams also have their roots in ancestral karma where the DNA in one's tapestry became distorted due to emotional or physical trauma of some kind. Sour body level dreams are good dreams to avoid manifesting through forgiveness as a result. Forgiving body level sour dreams also requires forgiving the energetic geometrical patterns that are associated that flow through one's field; for it is dissonant movements that sets the stage for the dream for disease. Dissonant movements are related to dissonant DNA. As one moves back in time and forgives where the dissonant DNA came to be a part of one's inheritance, one can release and then anchor other DNA from an earlier time period that is more harmonious. The harmonious DNA then creates harmonious geometrical patterns in the field and sweet body level dreams then are sustained leading to non-disease.
Working consciously upon dreams will have variant focuses each night of each month of the moon cycles. The ancestors will give each an idea of what the best focus may be for any given night of the month. Moon months begin with the new moon and end with the new moon in 29 days that spiral through the year. Holographic time spirals and is not linear in nature. Spiraling time allows for the past present and future to align and converge into the ONE where the NOW moment is experienced. In the NOW moment, any point in time is accessible that one may wish to explore or clear karma for. If you wish to explore the future you can; if you wish to explore the past to forgive you can. If you wish to erase the past and replace it with a new foundation of love, hope and peace, this also is accomplished but only in the NOW moment.
The NOW moment is also related to Tao Time. Tao Time is a new cycle of time that Terra (earth) is moving into that will allow her to return home to where she was spawned. Tao time aligns all time here in this region of domain with a return cycle within the Tao. Earth has been cut off from Tao Time as has everything in this region of domain that has fallen so greatly into density and matter. Now the Tao is intervening to allow Tao Time to begin to flow so that earth and all creations lost in time and space can find their way "home". So time is changing and the moon cycles are also changing to allow for an expression of NOW time upon earth.
There are two dreams that humans experience every 24 hours. The day time dream begins at 6:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm (18:00 in Euro time) and plays out a dream script for your daily life expression. There are two hours of transition time and this occurs from 4:00 am to 6:00 am; and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (18:00 to 20:00 in Euro time). The transition time allows for the continuation of the days activities for breakfast or dinner. Beyond this time you move into the night time dream time which is meant for introspection and conscious dreaming. Often Mila and Oa find themselves winding down by 9:00 pm and desire to take their baths at this time.
Humans often stretch their night time activities way into the night; or work night shifts. In ascension, spending a lot of time out at night can interfere with the time necessary to focus inward and clear your personal karma. As a result you may discover if you tend to stay out late many nights per week that the karma you are attempting to clear fails to be cleared; and you end up manifesting a sour dream as a result. Therefore taking the time at night for introspection and karmic clearing is important for those who are ascending to assure the non-manifestation of a dream of tragedy due to the failure to release all the karma associated. If you work at night, you can intend your night time dream time during the day and as you sleep; but many may discover that this is difficult. And so it is the ancestor's recommendation that ascending humans choose day jobs if at all possible that begin no earlier that 4:00 a.m. and end no later than 8:00 pm (20:00 in Euro time). In so doing, you will assure that you receive the benefit of the nightly bardo for life review and release all karma associated with your current dance of life leading to better and more unity based life experiences as a result.
Moon cycles and their use for introspection and releasing karma is not new information but ancient information recovered from the Grand Master Ancestors seeded upon earth long ago. The Grand Masters anchored moon cycles that would allow for their own ascensions to another dimension of thought-form. The moon cycles are therefore for the purposes of nightly bardo or life review of karma and the spiritual understanding that it teaches so that the karma can be forgiven and the scales balanced enough to ascend. This is what holographic moon cycles are for; they are for the purpose of introspection and ascension along with forgiveness of one's spiritual life lessons.
The moon cycles we speak to below are not new. Ancestor Quan Yin and Buddha attuned to these cycles to spawn their own ascensions in their lifetimes. There are many inner earth humans with larger craniums that continue to ascend to this day, and they too attune unto the moon cycles for introspection. As of late the Tao has helped to orchestrate the pull of these cycles to benefit ascending humans upon the surface of the earth. The cycles will also help each to begin to learn Tao Time and enter the dance of the infinite NOW moment in which time as you know it ceases. Why is it important for time to cease? Time ages the body and leads not to regeneration. As one enters the timelessness of the NOW moment, time stops and one regenerates more greatly in the ascension ahead. (See "A Message from Ancestor Buddha" and "A Message from Ancestor Quan Yin" for more information about their lives and ascensions.)
Often it is difficult to maintain a state of timelessness in the daily life dream. There is so much density that pulls upon ascending fields that you may enter time again while at work or while engaging with others in the dance of life that still sit in time. Night time may be the only time that most ascending humans enter a state of timelessness as a result. However experiencing a good 4 to 5 or more hours of timelessness at night is enough to help regenerate the biology for the continued ascension ahead. This also is what the night time bardo and life review is also for. Many may experience feeling like their consciousness is floating if you awaken and are still participating in the experience of bardo; this is a good sign that you are resting in a state of timelessness beloved.
The moon cycles are designed to address each level of ascension in both the physical and etheric and support the goals of ascending initiates through intentions made each night. The following information will explain the 29 moons in any given moon cycle and what to intend that is most supportive of your continued choice to ascend.
NOTE: There are many moon calendars available upon the web to keep track of the days and moons associated. As such we are not choosing to generate this information. As you type in "Moon Calendar" on any search engine, you will find many possible calendars to download and print for this purpose.