
Winged Lion by Anne Collins

飛獅,作畫者︰Anne Collins

 Blessings For Living Your Truth


The Winged LionKingdom thru Henrik Westberg

飛獅王國透過Henrik Westberg傳遞


Translated by 流星似火2009-05-11


In ascension there is often the question: what is my purpose? What is my truth? This is not so strange as you are carrying so many other people's truths with you. As we ascend there is more and more clarity of what one's own path really is. Still there are moments of uncertainty when you wonder, am I doing the right thing? Should I be doing this or that? Am I a good ascending initiate? Perhaps this would suit my ascension better than that? - Why are you so afraid of your truth?


We would say: Think Big! There are so many blessings available in the healing temples now that this is possible. Love Big, Bless Big, Forgive Big, Dream Big. It is now possible to live your truth in a way that perhaps wasn't possible before. The healing from the Tao is flowing freely to those who are willing to open their hearts and receive. Your truth is also big, although so many people say to you that this is not the case, not to mention the personality or programming that you host in your field that tell you who you are and what you are not and what you should do.

我們會說︰大大地思考﹗現下在各個療癒聖殿中有如此多祝福可得,使得更大視角的思考得以可能。大大地愛,大大地祝福,大大地原諒,大大地織夢。現下已經有可能來以一種也許過去並不可能的模式來生活在你的真相當中。來自道的療愈現下自由流淌到那些願意打開心靈並接收到這些祝福的人們身上。你的真相也是非常巨大的,儘管有如此多人們會跟你說情況並不如此,更不要說你在能量場中持有的那些人格存有或各種編程,會喋喋不休地告訴你 你是誰、你是什麼以及你應該怎麼做了。

One aspect of truth in ascension is change. You change in order to be able to continue your journey. This journey is all about restoring your truth. For those with Red Nation or Grand Master inheritance there are so many memories and programming of not being worthy of your own truth. Always someone else was more worthy of your truth so you gave it away and you sank in vibration and in consciousness. The change is about walking all this way back again living thru all these ancestral memories of giving away your truth.


The Grand Masters were set up to give their truth of ascension to the Spiritual Elite on Sirius. Sirius ascended with the truth that you came to Earth with in the first place. So no matter your inheritance; every time you intend to ascend you challenge the forces that your inheritance gave their truth to, whether it is thru the Annanuki or the Gurus, the Pharaohs or the High Priest. You as an ascending master are on your way to really make a change in your ongoing intent to ascend. There is Big Change ahead and we would like to encourage you to embrace it.


In embracing the change you embrace your truth. For you could say that your truth is to restore what was lost and it requires change as what you perceive as your truth in this moment is so little that it is hard to imagine compared to what you are aiming at. It is as you perceive yourself to be so little that it is hard to find your truth because you have a Big Truth. You are looking at the little pieces that your current life is made up of and wonder what piece you should consider as your truth.


Envision Big! Bless your ancestors that experienced the opposite of what you are creating together with all others in the ascending consensus. Bless them and tell them: This is another time where we make possible what you dreamt. Even if your dreams didn't come true and manifested in your life time, there is now the possibility for all of us to experience your dreams and the journey back home to what we are. In the forgiveness of your shortcomings in your ancestral lives and in this life time you will create the change necessary for what you have envisioned.

大大地展望﹗ 祝福那些經歷了和你所創造內容相反的你的祖先,同時也一起祝福提升一致實相中的所有其他人。祝福他們並告訴他們︰這是一個不同的時代,在這個時代我們正在讓你們所夢想的一切都得以可能。即使你們的夢想並沒有在你們在世時成真,然而現下就有機會讓我們所有人都來經歷你們的夢想,並回家到我們所起源的地方。在原諒你祖先生命史中、你個人生命史中所有的缺點時,你就將創造出必要的改變來實現你所展望的一切。

What is it that you have envisioned? Visualising is important because it is in your visualisations that you may Think Big and as you do so in collaboration with the Earth Mother you will think even bigger and you will ensure that this is for the ascension of the whole as well as for your own ascension. Now, big can be small. Small in the sense the society to day looks at things. Big can be living of what you grow having your own garden and a green house and perhaps together with others too. Whatever you would envision, what we see as important in the concept of Big is the peace that you would create for yourself.


The peace of being who you really are and doing what gives you pleasure in the moment is big compared to what many of you are experiencing today. Perhaps from this perspective you could start listening to yourself and see what would bring peace into your life. Nothing but your truth could bring peace into your life. So what would your truth look like today? What would it look like tomorrow? What is your truth in a week’s time, in a month’s time or a year from now? Dare look at your truth and embrace the peace that it brings to you.


So what is there to fear in your truth? We see there are still so many agreements and programming within your DNA to give away what is yours. There is also the thought form that you have to give your truth and information away because there is someone else that really can do the job better than you. It is also convenient not to have to worry about the consequences and the responsibility that it takes to create your own creation. Who could really create your creation better than you? This is all about co dependence and we are all moving on to leave all such thought forms behind us now in order to reach to a point where we live our truth.


Create Big! Feel your rightful power in commanding your reality, your creation. And feel the peace that it brings to you. Let the fear of the forces that your ancestry gave away their power to, dissipate in your blessings bigger than you thought possible. Blessing is such a powerful tool that helps you change what is fearful or difficult in your life and to create what brings you joy and peace. And now that there is a possibility to bless bigger than you thought possible even more change and magic can be experienced in your own creation. What it also brings is Union Consciousness. In the blessing you can experience the Oneness of all. There is the understanding that we are all doing our job to be able to learn whatever has to be learnt in order for us to be able to go home.

大大地創造﹗感受到你的正當力量來指令你的實相、指令你的造物,並感受到這所給你帶來的安寧。讓你對那些曾得到你祖先力量的勢力的害怕,都在你大大祝福超過你認為可能的過程中消散。祝福是如此有力的工具,它將幫助你改變你生命中對其感到害怕或艱難的事物,並幫助你創造出帶給你歡樂與安寧的一切。現下因為有可能來大大祝福超過你認為可能,因此將在你自身造物中體驗到甚至更大的改變和魔力。它也會給你帶來聯盟意識(Union Consciousness)。在祝福中,你可以體驗萬物的全一。現下有一份理解就是,我們都正在做我們的工作以學會要學會的一切,好讓我們都能夠回家。

So we bless you bigger than we thought possible now. In opening your heart you can receive this love and experience how it dissipates what is not your truth in your field. And you can choose to bless us in return bigger than you thought possible and we will see what is in the way of even more Union and Truth in our kingdom for us to release. In the blessings you will be more aware of what it is you need to forgive and release. It makes it easier for you to perceive what could not be seen in the darkness. So in the intent to bless everything everywhere wherever you go there will be an enlightenment and the ability to see what does not serve your truth and others will start seeing their own truths and start changing what is in the way of their truth.


 We would say: Your truth is to bless. Your truth is to forgive. Your truth is to love. We invite you to embrace your truth.


We thank you for choosing the path of ascension. 我們謝謝你選擇提升的道路,

Namaste 合十致敬

The Winged Lion Kingdom 飛獅王國


Henrik Westberg is a gifted healer of ascension. He offers consultations with the WingedLionKingdom along with attuning to your own inner sweet music to heal and ascend. You can reach Henrik at


Henrik Westberg是一名出色的提升療癒者。 他和飛獅王國一起提供咨詢,同時也接通到你內在的甜美音樂來療癒和提升。你可以透過newmusic.within@yahoo.se聯繫到他。




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