The Potential Life
June 2010 message
烏瑞爾天使長透過Jennifer Hoffman傳訊
田安琪翻譯 歡迎轉載
我們必須有意願允許潛能被表達 並且置入能量於其中
潛能將身處在渾沌 不成形 未被定義的狀態
Our entire existence is nothing more than a stream of potential, awaiting our energy and action to direct it into a version of reality. Potential is everything that resides in our dreams and desires, and is present in everything we wish for, want to have, would like to do or are willing to work for. The two elements required to activate potential are will and energy. We must be willing to allow the potential to be expressed and then put our energy towards it. Without those two, and both are required, potential stays in its chaotic, formless, undefined state.
當我們不舒適時 不確定時 想要比現況擁有更多時或者感到夢想被拖延時
We tend to think that potential exists in the important or complicated aspects of our life but it is present in everything. We become aware of it when we are dissatisfied, unsure, want more than what we currently have or feel the tug of a dream that wants to come true. This is a powerful moment that represents the awakening of potential and when we activate our will and energy, we manifest our potential. But something else happens in this moment, our fear also rises to the surface and competes with our potential.
Then we become engaged in a battle between our dreams and our fears, where the desire for our potential must be stronger than any fears we have around it if it is to manifest. Whichever is stronger will win and we will either step forward into a new reality or remain where we are, and our potential waits for another opportunity to become part of our reality.
我們無法浪費潛能 因為它是一直會存在於生命中的一部份
它就像我們的物質身體一樣 是我們人類存在的一部份
對宇宙而言 不表達潛能的任何一個面向並不會產生損失或批判
然而 讓我們猶豫的答案會在恐懼中尋找到
但恐懼僅能限制潛能 而無法移除潛能
療癒、釋放… 我們遠離恐懼的每一步都帶領我們更靠近勇氣
我們需要以那勇氣去表達潛能 去顯化我們最珍愛的夢想
We cannot waste potential because it is an ever-present part of our lifetime, waiting for us to have the courage to allow it to express itself. We become our potential, it is as much a part of our human presence as our physical body. There is no loss or judgment from the Universe if we do not express any aspect of our potential but we judge ourselves harshly for not being able to create our dreams. Yet the answer to our hesitation is found in our fears which limit our potential’s expression but do not remove it. Each step we take away from our fear, all of the healing and release work we do, brings us closer to the courage we need to express our potential and the manifestation of our most cherished dreams.
它就在那兒 等待我們把生命呼吸進入其中允許它成真
而當我們這麼做的時候 我們將把門更打開一點
沒有擔憂 匆促 恐懼 或後悔
當我們有意願 有能量允許它成為實像時
As the energy around us ebbs and flows, we move closer to and farther away from our connection to our potential. It is there, waiting for us to breathe life into it and to allow it to become so we can know the joy of expressing our potential. No matter what we do in any lifetime, we are expressing the level of potential we are comfortable with and when we can, we will open that door a little wider and allow our wildest dreams to come rushing in. There is no worry, hurry, fear or regret. Our potential will be there
waiting for us when we have the will and energy to allow it to become our reality.