
The Voice——Father Melchizedek
By Father Melchizedek thru Hazel
Nov 27, 2010 - 4:48:31 AM原文網址)

 The voice within often speaks but is seldom heard in the consciousness of its receiver. You have been programmed to hear that which is external through your outer physical ears. The various noises that you are subjected to on your plane of existence contaminate your ability to listen in silence and to silence. That which is on the outside creates confusion and hampers the ability of your spirit to have a voice in your lives. It is this voice in priority to all others that you should be attentive to; for this is the voice which will offer wisdom, truth, discernment, clarity and reason.

This voice is in fact the voice of the inner God whose utterances are in fact directives which will enable you to secure in your understanding greater knowledge of your place, purpose and role. It is the hidden wealth that you seek after, during your sojourn on earth. Seldom do you start your exploration within and there lies your error in judgment. The journey to find yourselves, your motivations, your passion, your purpose, your root, must always as a matter of course commence inwardly. It is the inward journey that provides the petrol which sustains the outward journey. It is where you go when you need to refill your engines that you may continue through your life experiences in a knowing way. Many journey outwardly with an empty gas tank. They are not filled from within and therefore seek to sustain themselves by that which is external to them. The external always becomes spent which engenders discontent and which inevitably leads to hungering for more which tend to be conceptually matter or material.

There are those who make a conscious choice not to go inwardly to seek for they do not believe that anything exists there. Their entire lives gravitate around a limited understanding that conjures mental pictures of greatness achieved through the out workings of material wealth. This is how they seek to define themselves and present themselves to the world. They form fixed views as to what is required for them to accomplish in order to carve out a name for themselves in the world. Frequently they seek to achieve recognition as someone, through the gaining of things, be it money power or fame. Yet empty are their inner coffers for they refuse to give their inner being (the truth of their identity) a say in their lives. Many decline to answer the call of their inner promptings or merely pay lip service to it. Their lives become either that of a speeding train whose brakes have malfunctioned or a defective train which makes gradual moves then comes to a standstill for lack of fuel. All because that inner voice is ignored or buried deep below the noise clutter within the human ego mind. The voice of the ego seeks supremacy and that is the voice most listened to and followed. The ego seeks to show off its grandeur through the arrogance of all knowing and in some cases seeks to assume its rightful place by its measure against the elitist barometer.

Your whole journey on your plane is meant for you to find yourself through inner awareness and discover your most potent sword and shield, being your inner power derived from knowing that God resides within you and that it is His voice which echoes through His guidance that will assist you in forging a life that is spirit worthy and fulfilling. When you can hear that inner voice, should you decide to follow its directions you shall find that your path will appear clear and even though there may be inevitable bumps along the way, the voice within shall always show you how to surmount them or how to see them for the value they have in teaching you the lessons you need to learn as you journey towards wholeness and mastery. The voice within will always speak truth and offer balanced perspectives and guidance. It is not there to fuel your ego or to provide unconditional support in your effort to assert your “rightness”. It is there to guide and to teach that you may through your earthly life learn to adopt its voice as your voice, its wisdom and mastery as yours so that you can live and be you as you allow the God within to manifest.

If you could but spare moments in your days to clear the inner clutter and invite your friend within to speak, you shall hear most clearly and you will begin to know the difference between your inner voice and your outer voice( which is controlled predominantly by ego) and thus you will begin a harmonious relationship with your spirit. You will live your life within the aura of higher understanding and shall constantly effort to extend yourselves to maintain communion with the source of your divine energy.

I am Father Melchizedek and I exhort you to listen, listen to the hidden silent voice for this is what all men seek on his outward journey. To have a voice you must find your voice, that which is real and enduring. It is your inner voice that will transform your outward journey and affect the course of your life on earth.

In the Light I come to bring blessings.


Candace: This voice is of course the Thought Adjuster which since Pentacost 2000 years ago, comes to all NORMAL minds when the person makes their first real moral choice. Usually around age 5. Most do not consciously hear this voice, who are "new souls" until they reach first circle. The thought adjusters, according to one source in the UB ARE GOD.

坎迪斯:這個聲音當然就是thought adjuster(思維校正者),自從2000年以前的聖靈降臨節來到所有正常的心智中,當一個人做出第一個真正的道德選擇。通常在5歲左右。很多人作為“新靈魂”沒有有意識地聽到這個聲音,直至他們完成第一個週期。根據the urantia book(地球之書)的資料,thought adjusters是上帝。

Now most of you are long fused with your thought adjuster, and thus it is your "higher self" who is issuing the advice, and higher self is a dumb word, but it's all we have. It's your real you.

現在,你們多數人已經與你們的thought adjuster融合很久了,因此它就是向你們提出忠告的“高我”,高我是一個潛藏的詞,但它就是我們所擁有的。它是真實的你。

Christians keep trying the "hear" the Holy spirit which they think is 3rd person of the Trinity. It is the thought adjustor, which is first person of the Trinity.

基督徒一直嘗試“傾聽”他們認為是三位一體第三人的聖靈。thought adjuster是三位一體的第一人。(譯者:據the urantia book,三位一體的第一人是Universal Father,即聖父,第二人是Eternal Son,即聖子,第三人是Infinite Spirit,即聖靈。我們的thought adjuster與personality都直接來自於Universal Father,所以這裏稱thought adjuster為三位一體的第一人。)



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