Joy is Your Teacher: Pain is Your Compass
through Brenda Hoffman - August 15, 2012
通過Brenda Hoffman傳導-2012年8月15日
These next few days may test your patience.
Not because you will necessarily feel uncomfortable, but that others will slowly grasp concepts you understand so quickly.
Those of you reading these materials have decided to test your new software.
We cannot delineate what the results of your testing will be or has been – for your software is designed for you and your role. General New Age software was downloaded to all earth inhabitants months ago. Within the past few weeks, many of you added to that general software to better perform your unique role.
Which is little different from purchasing an automobile with a back-up camera that others find an unnecessary feature. Both automobiles will drive from one place to the other – just with different features. So it is with you.
And you have a built-in software testing system. Whatever feels fun or joyful is your inner-being directing you to new and different levels of performance.
If an activity or action feels joyful, do it. Even something you have never tried. You will not know your capabilities until you do so. Allow your inner-being to teach you how to play with your new skills/software.
Some of you will hear more than the words others are relaying. Others of you will see more than others are seeing. And still others will explore areas and senses not yet given word labels. Perhaps you will even feel as if nothing has changed. You merely know that others irritate you because their processing skills seem so slow. Allow them to move in the direction and pace that is correct for them. And allow yourself the same.
You are shifting your being at warp speed.
How will this affect your relationships? We do not know anymore than you. You merely have the feeling – as do salmon swimming upstream – that you must move forward no matter the consequences.
That last thought is frightening to some. For it means you may end some relationships you thought were the cornerstone of your being. And so it is. For indeed, trailblazers, Lightworker advance team members or whatever term you wish to use cannot perform their role if they continue in the same patterns. The very terms advance and trailblazer mean out front, before – and so it is for you.
You are not like anyone else. We have told you that on many occasions. You have an important role to play in this transition which may not include some of the relationships you maintained before. But then, all life is change. No cell, atom or particle remains constant.
Even though you feel as if your life is a constant, it is only so because you refuse to acknowledge – or believe – anything is changing. Many of you proclaim that you wish your world would return to a certain time. It cannot. Anymore than you can return to childhood.
You are learning how to navigate your new being as it matures. Methods used in the Old Age are no longer applicable. Your New Age skills are just emerging – which may make you feel as if you are floundering.
That is to be expected. Allow yourself to find yourself. There is no mother, big sister or brother to care for your boo boos. You are a trailblazer. Allow that to be. And as you do, allow yourself to know that joy is your teacher and pain is your compass.
Whenever you find yourself in a painful situation, it is time for you to find joy in the situation or change it. You have that skill and power. You are no longer under anyone’s care or direction including your parents, friends, government or religion. You are you. Exploring new places and skills.
Joy is your magnet. Allow that to be.
Transitioning from pain to joy or love is not an easy path, but one that you are becoming an expert at finding and lighting for others. It is no longer a thought of how painful something will be, but how much joy is in an activity. And if an activity is painful, you deviated from your path.
You have graduated with honors from pain and fear. It is now time to try as diligently to live in joy as you once did in pain. Do not feel as if you should suffer because such is true for others. It is your role to light the path for them – not to continue a lesson completed.
You are indeed part of the advance Lightworker team. Accept and relish that concept. For you are brave, courageous and a light of the Universes. So be it. Amen.