The wind of change are beginning to pick up
Michael channeled by Ron Head
大天使麥可通過Ron Head傳導 2012年9月9日
Today let us advise you that the portal opening is successful and you are handling it magnificently, as was expected. Already things are starting to pop, as you say. Most of the good news that the media is beginning to report is still being overshadowed by the old messages that were meant to keep you passive. But for those of you who have learned to depend on other sources, the signs are popping up everywhere.
今天,讓我們通知你們,門戶打開很成功,你們正很好地應對它,就像被期待的那樣。事情正已經開始出現,就像你們說的那樣。 媒體開始報導的大部分好消息仍然被一些舊消息蒙上陰影,那些舊消息有意要使你們保持消極。但是,對於你們那些已經學習以來其他消息來源的人來說,跡象正在四處突然出現。
It will still be possible for some to insist that nothing is happening, but not for too much longer. Now is the time for you to affirm for yourselves daily that what you are seeing is the succession of changes needed to produce your world of the future, abundant, free, and joyful.
一些人堅持稱什麼事也沒有發生,這樣是可能的,但是,這不會持續太久了。 現在對你來說是時間每天肯定你自己,你正看到的是那些接連發生的變化,這些變化對使你們的世界的未來變得豐足的、自由和喜悅是必要的。
It is time now for you to be the person you determined to be. That person now lives in your heart. Invite him or her to express themselves through you from this day forward.
The world that you will be living in will soon be shown to you. It is time for you to begin building your lives and societies accepting nothing less than the very best for all persons. The calm is over and the winds of change are beginning to pick up. They will be made to seem fearful. Dear ones, please hold in your hearts our promise that they are not. They bring your freedom to you.
你們將生活的世界將很快像你們展現。 對你們來說,現在是時間開始建造你們的生活和社會了,接受對所有人來說都恰好是最好的。平靜結束了,變化之風正開始傳播。它們看上去很嚇人。 親愛的,請在心中記住我們的承諾,它們不是可怕的。它們帶給你們自由。
Stand firm now. We are here with you. Peace now and good day.
現在,穩穩的站好。 我們與你們同在。 保持平靜,祝美好的一天。
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轉載自“xiaohaozi0716 新浪博客”