august 1st NZ 10.12pm ECLIPSE 10.22pm AUST EST 8.12pm ECLISPE 8.22pm GMT 10.12am ECLIPSE 10.22am
新月在獅子座9.32度 日全蝕8月1日
台灣時間約下午6點12分新月 下午5點23分台灣可見日偏蝕
Eclipses are deeply connected to the evolution of consciousness. As astronomical events their appearance has always been an essential time for initiates and for awakened humanities work with the Councils of Light, Celestial Beings and Prime Creator. Eclipses herald and initiate transformation into the Higher Light Octaves and reunite light and dark, while creating a shadow - a cone of power- that can heal as well as destroy. This Solar Eclipse, the Sun and Earth are opposite with the Moon in between. Its visibility is within a narrow corridor that traverses half the Earth. The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins in Canada and extends across northern Greenland, the Arctic, central Russia , Mongolia , and China . A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes northeastern North America, most of Europe and Asia .
「蝕」深深地連結意識的進展,天文上的事件,它們的顯現一直是一個重要的啟動與光、天體存有和初始造物主的會議中人性運作覺醒的時間點。蝕宣布並且啟動進入高八度光的轉化,再次結合光和黑暗,正創造一個陰影 – 圓錐狀的力量 – 不但可以治療而且毀壞。
這一次日蝕 (月亮夾在成一直線的太陽與地球間),可見到一個狹窄的通道越過地球的一半。月亮本體陰影的路徑,開始於加拿大,延伸穿過北格陵蘭、北極圈、中俄、蒙古及中國。由月亮的半陰影造成的日偏蝕可在更廣的區域被見到,包括北美的東北方、大部份的歐洲和亞洲。
The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden, it is also the seed of the new beginning. The Moon and Sun are one at a New Moon so it is a powerful time of union on all levels and with the inner male and female also.
In Leo we are opening our heart and aligning with divine will, trusting and surrendering in unconditional love. Allowing ourself to be from our Source within as the Sun is also in Leo we are going into deeper depths of our love and given the opportunity to come from the radiant Sun of our true self to unify and love our pain that comes from believing in separation. We illuminate from our heart, from the radiant Sun of our true self as it illuminates our physical body and every cell opens to its divinity. As it illuminates out into our Etheric Body, our Emotional Bodies, our Mental Bodies, out through our Spiritual Bodies as we are One Body of Light from the Source within us.A Solar Eclipse of the Sun only occurs when the Moon is new, and when it is between the Earth and the Moon. This occurs because of the variations in the Moons orbit and its shadow is sometimes longer and its distance from the Earth shorter, this is when we have an eclipse. These are important openings or doorways as the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned. The Golden Solar Beings use these times to infuse heightened Solar vibrations to the Earth. A Solar Eclipse affects the inner transformation as well as the outer manifestation, channelled either for destruction or creation, the choice is ours. A Partial Solar Eclipse is when the Moon is at its closest position to the Earth.
A Solar Eclipse is when the Councils of Light and Golden Solar Beings through the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun activate the Golden Solar Discs more fully. The Golden Solar Discs were last active in the last Golden Cycle and kept the alignment with the Core of the Earth, with the Sun and Central Sun and harmony was experienced by all. At that time all beings not only knew but acted from their divine aspect within and inter-dimensional travel was the norm, the Earth was in balance with the Solar System and we were more etheric, and operated in our Light Bodies more fully. This is now happening again as the Golden Solar Discs are activated and linked to the Solar Grid that was re-activated in 1997. In 2007 November 24th Gemini Full Moon the Golden Solar Discs unified and linked in a complete energy field around Earth. So with this Eclipse be open to your work with the Councils of Light as the Golden Rays of higher frequency divine essence is anchored through the Solar Grid and Golden Solar Discs, through the Earth and collective unconscious. With the Golden Solar Grids united the Light coming in through the Eclipses now is so radiant that it assists us to illuminate all the darkness in the cells and activate the DNA higher light octaves of divine existence and grace within the physical world of our bodies and the third dimension. Marrying Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter through your vehicle, the reason you have chosen to experience a body. If possible go to a place that holds a strong Golden Solar Disc connection for you, this is not something to be told to you, if you work with these energies you will know deep within where there is one that is for you to connect with. If not go to a place that calls you, this can be your lounge room or back yard as all Earth is scared and now the Golden Solar Discs are everywhere on the inner planes. Align through the Suns and Source, your Heart and Sun within the core of the Earth and be guided from within what is appropriate to do. All that is necessary is to be surrendered in Divine Will, more than we Do we are Being. You are a Golden Solar Disc.
在這個時間點,所有存在不但知道而且從內在神聖層面行動,次元間的旅行是正常的,地球與太陽系平衡,我們會更乙太,更全然地在我們光體運作。現在再一次地發生,當金色太陽圓盤啟動,連結到1997年重新被啟動的太陽光柵。2007年11月24日 的雙子座滿月,金色太陽圓盤結合成一體,並且連結到地球周圍的完整能量場。在這次日蝕,打開你與光的會議的運作,當更高頻率的金色光神聖本質,錨向通過太陽光柵和金色太陽圓盤,通過地球和集體無意識。結合金色太陽光柵的光在現在的日蝕來臨,燦爛照耀協助我們照亮所有細胞中的黑暗,並且啟動DNA神聖存在的高八度光,感恩我們身體內在物質世界和第三次元。天空和地球的結婚,靈性和物質透過你們的器皿,你們選擇經驗身體的原因。如果可能,去到一個地方,維持一個強烈的金色太陽圓盤對你的連結。這不是要告訴你的某事,如果你與這些能量運作,你會知道深入向內,有一個給你去連結的。如果沒有地方召喚你,也可以是你的休息室或後院,整個地球是神聖的,而現在金色太陽圓盤在內在層面的任何地方。對準通過太陽和源頭,你的心輪和太陽在地球核心內,並且由內在的指引適當的進行。
This Solar Eclipse and New Moon with Sun and Moon in Leo is a time to go deep within to the Cosmos that flows eternally from your Heart, and just as the Central Golden Solar Disc has now been anchored onto the Earth plane so too is it time for us to anchor the Golden Solar Disc within and connect more consciously with ourself as a member of the Councils of Light at the level of a Central Sun, working on the inner planes with Golden Beings through the Greater Central Sun. The Leo energies are asking of us to share in the joy of the unconditional love that connects us all.
With the new energies to go within and focus on what you are creating and wish to create in the higher dimensional Earth, that is formed through your love and focus and grounded now as this doorway from the higher realms illuminates our hearts.
As the Sun and Moon are in Leo and a shadow is created across the Sun (it does not matter that you maybe in a place where its impossible to see the eclipse, the energies are felt the same), it may trigger any old memories of your experiences at the end of the age of Leo as we experienced the last great shift and the physical affects on Earth. Is there any remaining in trauma or patterns left from your transformation then, as you came further into density and lost your connection? Were there any unresolved power or control dramas, feelings of failure or shock, rage or guilt. Love and accept and deep breathe into any old memories until golden and you are free. As we now come to the end of the next great cycle we are free to make the shift in love not fear.
Blythe真的非常感謝Vivien 每次需要的訊息總會在她的網站看到 ~
Blythe是新月的小孩 今天是個重要又特別的日子
在此與大家分享此訊息 ~~~
願 我們大家都生活在獅子座無條件的光與愛中
願 大家的生活充滿無限的創造力
願 宇宙光輝的法則充滿在生活之中與我們的內在
Namast Namaste Namaste