Uriel Heals article
March 2009
The Cycles of Completion
Each of us plays an important role in the energetic changes that are happening at this time and the work we are doing in our own lives resonates exponentially in the world. As we acknowledge the importance of each step that we take towards transformation we also step into our role as energetic healers, teachers and vehicles of transformation. We have agreed to bring the new reality into being, to set its energies and to create heaven on earth. This is a cycle of completion, the last phase of a journey we began eons ago with a partnership whose purpose was reconnection and transformation. It required millions of steps, taken by millions of people, across millions of lifetimes.
Our role is so important that without our efforts there is no partnership. Yes it has been a struggle and it often seemed that there was no progress but we have inched our way to this moment in time and we are able to see the results of our efforts. Now we can see life for what it is and know that within each lifetime there is closure, completion, transformation and healing which leads to new opportunities and possibilities, different outcomes and other choices.
These cycles are happening with the earth as well, as we are completing an astrological age of 25,600 years and a galactic cycle, as well as an earth cycle that we do not fully understand because its completion is also the completion of humanity’s cycle. Some say this is the end of the earth but it is the end of an era, the end of separation between the human and its divine nature, the end of the veil, the end of karma. It is not necessary for us to understand these with our logical, human mind, we must understand them from a spiritual perspective and trust in divine order, in the perfection of each person’s path. Although we are all connected, the nature of our paths is different according to what our soul needs to experience and the cycles that each of us has come here to complete.
The purpose of our life is not to amass riches and material goods, although that can be our focus. Each lifetime offers healing and transformation in many different ways. Each one is important but it is not what we choose that matters. What is important is whether we are aware of the choice and our healing comes when we can see the choice, make it and release the energies to allow new ones to come in. We have to end the old before the new can manifest and the purpose of the cycles of completion is to be complete with ‘old’ energies and have closure with them to make room for new paradigms.
This cycle of completion is present in every aspect of our lessons, experiences and relationships. Each of them is a ‘mini completion cycle’ that allows us to learn how the new energy feels, to accept it and then decide what path we will take in that moment and then see whether we can carry our new learning into the next moment. While we may have been hoping for a single lesson, a single test of our learning, but that is not consistent with our ascension process, which is an upward spiral, not a straight line. Our linear thinking is a product of our third dimensional illusion of reality. And it does not allow for the cyclical nature of our lives, in which we experience birth, growth, transformation and death, each death giving rise to a new cycle.
We can understand how these cycles work by expanding our concept of our natural life cycles to see how they happen every moment of our own life. There is a birth with each beginning, a period of learning and growth and then transformation once we have accepted the learning. Then the cycle is complete and we are ready for the next cycle. Every thing that happens to us, every situation we encounter, every person we interact with, no matter how briefly, is part a cycle. And these individual cycles are part of the lifetime we have agreed to undergo as part of our soul’s cycle of learning, healing and transformation. This is true for us and for everyone—we are all working through cycles and being presented with opportunities to complete them.
With each cycle we complete we become more aware of our power, we have more information to help us through the next cycle and we move farther upward into our ascension journey. And we may find ourselves alone on this part of the journey, without the souls we have contracted to do learning with. What happens to them, if we leave them behind? What is our role in their completion cycle and to what extent do we have to help them when they can’t seem to help themselves? That is a difficult choice for us to make, one that we will face many times during this lifetime. As we complete our cycles and ascend into higher levels of energetic vibration we may also complete cycles with those we thought would be partners on our path. It may not be our choice, they may choose that for themselves. Part of our cycle may be the realization that we can no longer extend healing to everyone and the call to move forward will be too strong for us to choose to stay behind. Our work with them is finished, that cycle is complete. They will find other teachers and other lessons to help them with their completion work.
And so within each cycle we will create new definitions for closure, validation and endings. We will have to re-define what it means to be complete in a situation and with others. Learning acceptance and surrender is part of the completion process. When a relationship ends or a situation no longer has any meaning for us we want closure with it, to have an opportunity to arrive at an ending that we are comfortable with, one that validates our input, experience and participation. We say that we want to be complete with it, to be finished. But there are different aspects to this. Yes, we want completion but within our definition of what that means. We want closure that includes our feeling good about what we have done and some sort of validation for the time, energy, effort and emotion that we contributed. In order to understand closure we must look at our cycles because they have information for us. Are we healing others, being healed, learning about acceptance, power or transforming ourselves? Do we have to learn about energy or power?
We use phrases like a ‘waste of time’ in situations in which we cannot validate our contribution. Yet our contribution, no matter what it was, was an important part of that situation. We are each other’s teachers and students and we participate in both sides of a lesson, we have something to teach and something to learn in every experience we have. And it is our definition of completion that allows us to have it or not. If we have expectations or have our self image, worth or aspect of ourselves involved in the process, anything that does not respond to that will leave us feeling ‘incomplete’. What we want out of any situation, that aspect of what we want that we do not tell ourselves or others, is what will determine whether we are complete.
We can be finished with something and yet not be complete with it. This happens when we have decided that something is too hard, too painful, too difficult or we want it to be over. So we disconnect our energy from it and end it. But when our expectations have not been met, when we leave a situation out of anger or frustration, we may be finished with the experience itself but not with its lessons or energy. It will come up again for us so we can approach it from a different perspective, each new lesson providing us with another opportunity to complete this cycle of learning so we can release the energy and move on.
Completion is our reward when we have completed the full spectrum of learning within a situation, when we have learned from the experience, made the connections within our healing journey, allowed ourselves enough time to fully process the information, completed any forgiveness work we had to do and then given ourselves permission to move on. We give ourselves permission by recognizing the lessons, being aware of how they interface with our journey, the growth we experienced, what we had to release and how we move on.
As we become complete with experiences, we can become complete with lifetimes too. Every experience is a mirror of our soul’s journey, So within each lifetime we can gain an understanding of what we have been working through for different lifetimes, as it will show up in the lessons and people we invite into our reality. It all has the same purpose, to help us complete cycles of soul growth and, at this time, to complete eons of experience and finally release old paradigms to allow the new reality to become the truth for us.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author and channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer’s intuitive abilities go beyond psychic and into the realm of soul level communication, accessing a client’s soul’s desire for peace, joy and unconditional love. She is able to view the soul’s lifetime purpose, identify the soul contract, describe blocks, karmic imprints, negative patterning, messages and images and facilitate the ascension into the miracle vibration, where life becomes an effortless flow of joy and fulfillment. Her ability to view the dynamics of the soul’s journey allows her clients insights into how to achieve their highest possible vibration, miracle mastery. Everything that stands in the way of this goal can be transformed with willingness to change one’s life story from victim consciousness to spiritual mastery.
In her readings, Jennifer works with the Archangel Uriel, angels, guides and departed loved ones to help her clients gain clarity about their life purpose. Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of www.urielheals.com, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email healing@urielheals.com for information.
Article Copyright © 2009 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc.. All rights reserved.
本文引用自:天使筆記 http://blog.xuite.net/akidoflight/angelsnotebook/22679159