(九綠亂入:dichroic cabochon在台灣一般是叫做『琉璃』,但和琉璃工房的那種琉璃又不一樣,是一種人工燒製成的多彩玻璃飾品)
為了製作一個星石,你必需先探索起因層(causal plane,註),經由你所擁有的心靈電路,將星塵轉移進入石頭或其它媒介之中
星光層(astral plane):以強力動物、提婆等形式提供幫助,有時亦化為指導靈提供更具實際性質的支助與指引,對情緒方面有幫助。
起因層(causal plane):提供類似本教導體系之屬於較高狀態的教導與哲學,有助於信念方面。
阿卡西層(akashic plane):提供所有資訊包括前世、平行世以及可能的未來世。本能中心之療癒。
心智層(mental plane):較高智性,宇宙本質的直覺。了解與所有事物之連繫關係,體悟真理。
彌賽亞層(messianic plane):較高情感,體認神愛或無條件之愛的本質與感覺。
佛陀層(buddhaic plane):較高行動,知覺並經驗能量的本質,領悟美。
How To Make A Star Stone
A "star stone" is my term for a crystal or other form of carrier, such as the dichroic cabochon depicted here, which has been charged with stardust - fairy dust, pixie dust, the very magic components of reality itself.
It is used in an essences burner to easily transfer the essence of stardust to a potion or another third party item, or by itself for meditation and renewal, and in rituals.
In order to make a star stone, you have to go to the causal plane and draw the stardust into the stone or carrier here in the hard through your own psychic circuitry.
This is easier than it sounds, and here is the meditation to do it.
1. Hold the stone and close your eyes. If you have any meditation music that isn't too disturbing but can help create a sacred space for you to step across, put it on your headphones. This will help filter out background disturbances and makes it easier to slide into the requisite space.
2. Step across and into the other dimensions. Whatever you see there, remember this is only a translation we make in our minds to make sense of what is happening and we are not dealing with real mountains or trees.
3. Let one after the other all things disappear that are unnecessary until you are left only with ground below and sky above.
4. Now, let go of gravity which is the last component which holds it all together and you will find that everything rises, raises and lifts and becomes stardust - tiny glittering existences of light.
5. Call the stardust to you and into the carrier stone you are holding. Let it stream in until you feel it is fully charged, full up with stardust.
6. Slowly move back into your own space of time and mind, open your eyes and in your hand, there is now an active star stone.
SFX 2005