Beloved Lightworkers, 親愛的光之工作者們 In these days you are coming together in peace, love andharmony and as you do this, the feeling of sublime joy permeates all that youdo. This is most auspicious, for it shows that those who have done the work ofclearing are truly beginning to emulate the energy of Love that is being beamedto the Earth from the Galactic center and other areas of the Creator’s vastoceans of life. As this continues, more of your higher aspects may align withyou upon the material plane. As your diamond Light shines everywhere you go, itreflects the purity that is the true state of Being of every Human incarnatedupon this Planet. 現在,你們正在以和平,愛和和諧的方式聚集起來,當你們這麼做的時候,巨大的快樂會伴隨著你們所做的一切。這是如此美妙,因為它展示了那些正在做清理工作的人們在真真正正地吸收著來自銀河系中心以及來自造物主浩瀚的生命之海的愛之能量。當這一切繼續的時候,你們高層次的目標有可能在物質層面統一起來。你們不斷增強的鑽石般的光芒代表著純潔,這純潔是轉生在這顆星球上每個人類的原本狀態。 Purity is the focus in these coming months and weencourage you to continue in your efforts to cleanse every drop of all thatdoes not resonate with the diamond light frequency from your four body system.You are becoming a Being of full spectrum Light. You encompass all the colorsof the rainbow and are now acquiring the more sublime Cosmic Rays. As youcontinue to align with your Divine Essence, more of these glorious colorsbecome a part of your auric field and you become a Rainbow Light Being. As youcontinue in the completion of your old paradigm agreements and intentions, youare blazing a Path that enables others to step firmly upon it. 淨化在接下來的幾個月仍是你們的重點,我們鼓勵你們繼續努力淨化每一滴和你們身體釋放出的鑽石般的光不同頻率的能量。你們正在成為擁有完整光譜的光的存有。你們擁抱著彩虹的所有顏色,現在更加崇高的宇宙之光正在走向你們。當你們繼續走向你們神聖的本質的時候,更多燦爛的顏色會變成你們光環場的一部分,你們會變成擁有更加絢爛的彩虹色光芒的存有。在完成你們舊的契約最後的幾部分的時候,你們正在為周圍的人劈開一條路,從而幫助他們緊緊地追隨在你們身後。 All that you have endured and overcome has given Humanitya greater opportunity to walk with more ease and grace upon this World, for itis your efforts and constancy to this purpose that has made a decideddifference. You are the miracle makers and Creators, even though you may notsee yourselves in that Light. By just being your beautiful Selves, you aregracing this World with a pattern of perfection that is a catalyst to all whoare within your radius of activity. There will come a time when all the Worldis ablaze with the Light that each of you contribute to the whole. 你們所遭遇的一切,克服的一切,都給了人類多的機會,在這世界上舒適而優雅地生活的機會,因為是你們的努力和堅持使這巨大的改變真實地發生著。是你們創造了奇跡,即使你們自己可能沒有看到自己正站在光中。當你們和高我對齊的時候,你們正在用一種完美的模式改變著這世界,這種行為模式是你們周圍所有人的行為的催化劑。世界充滿光的時刻會到來,你們每個人都在為這新世界貢獻著力量。 Many new insights will be entering your field ofconsciousness and life will take on an ethereal quality of sublime andexquisite beauty as the dimensional borders are bridged into Oneness andHumanity begins to see the life around them that were previously the privilegeof the very few. Your other senses will become operational and you will knowthe wonders and the vastness of the Universe. Trust in your own ability tonavigate these uncharted oceans and rely on the wisdom within you. You havebeen this way before and that remembrance is coming into your Awareness now. 當你們維度的界限和“一”靠得更近的時候,很多新的想法會進入你們的意識領域,生命會發生超凡的變化,變得精緻而美妙。曾經只是少數人特權的生活會圍繞在人們身邊。你們的感官會變得更加敏感,你們會知道宇宙的浩瀚和美妙。相信你們自己的能力,聽從著你們內心深處的智慧,在這無拘無束的海洋中航行吧。你們曾經如此生活過,現在,你們的意識正在慢慢回憶這一切。 All the good that you believe in is now coming intofruition in your everyday lives. Recognize this new influence and add to itspower and potency by giving thanks as it comes, for the Universe gives more ofitself as it is acknowledged and honored. If you can picture the Infinitysymbol and hold it in your mind’s eye several times a day whilst givinggratitude for all the blessings that you already have in your lives, the flowwill continue. As with all flows, there is a cycle to them in how they ebb andflow and this is important for you to learn and know. Investigate the cycles ofthe moon and learn to work with them for the manifesting of your dearestdreams. Acknowledge the cycles of the seasons and work within them. Become theMaster Alchemist in every sense of the word. 你們現在所相信的一切好的方面正逐漸進入你們日常的生活。認識到這些新的影響,當這些影響來到你們身邊的時候,請帶著一顆感恩的心,因為這樣會增加這些能量的影響,因為當宇宙被認知,被尊敬的時候,宇宙會給予你們更多。如果你們可以想像這無限的象徵,每天將這畫面放在你們的意識中幾次,這種能量會繼續流動。因為在這些能量的流動中有它們自己的迴圈,這種能量對你們學習和瞭解是非常重要的。觀察月亮的迴圈,學會去理解這迴圈因為這迴圈和你們的夢相關。瞭解四季的迴圈,並且伴隨著它們活動。這會幫助你們在各個方面變成世界的“煉金大師”。 Use your tools and weave your Light into your own livesand by your doing so, into the lives of your Loved Ones and the community ofSouls around you. Chart your course to bring to you your highest vision and donot settle for anything less than the best of it. You CAN do it, Beloved Ones,believe in yourselves. 使用你們的工具,把你們的光編入你們自己的生命中。這麼做的時候,你們也在把光織入你們所愛的人們的生活中,以及在你們周圍的人們的生活中。用你們高我的視角來看待你們所面對的每個課程,從最好的方面想每一件事情。你們可以做到,親愛的存有們,相信你們自己。 |
I AM Melchizedek
通靈媒介:Marlene Swetlishoff