L1-2 Fusion Energy Systems
Transfusion into Regeneration and Renewal
The Tao through Lilliya Maha
The Tao through Lilliya Nita
道通過Lilliya Nita傳遞
Translated by 流火 2010-12-30
Great light synergy work is for the act of mastery through transformation of thought form loops that are held in the difficult emotional sequences of experience in the cellular structure. The experiences are often from ancient times. As the light penetrates the cells the memories are released along with the associated karma. As the memories and karma defuses through the application of light the body releases its density and another cellular structure can be ascended into. The DNA is recovered through the blood itself which acts as a holographic record keeper of one’s ancestral experiences of DNA through time.
Real mastery involves sequences of new DNA that forms outside of the small fusion body. The DNA is accessed through a fusion of light into the blood. As the blood illuminates the DNA archives are drawn upon for the purposes of ascension. As the body ascends one also masters new energetic movements and expands the light work synergy. Light work synergy is measured to assess the level of mastery fulfilled upon. As light workers evolved, the large fusion body expands in size and light waves are spun through the field. The waves are constructed from a woven tapestry of light and hold a light language that commands one’s creation. The field and body are considered a creation that fulfills upon a particular physical and energetic dream. Mastery calls a dream of a mastered state of existence into the life.
A mastered state of existence has to do with the thought-form thought within. Thought form is associated with the cortex of the brain and the synapses that grow in the act of evolution. At this time many are moving into light wave brains. The light wave brain hosts sequences of brain waves that allow for another level of thought form to take hold. The thought form of mastery is associated with fusion. Fusion thought form is in unison with itself and as such the concepts of polarity cease. As polarity ceases the belief in light and dark ceases and love and compassion is born. Out of a state of love and compassion, those who master perceive life from a new platform and co-exist in a state of synergy together.
Synergy can be equated to being at peace within oneself. As the master masters peace, the experience of life alters. A state of peace requires balanced male and female sequences. Sequences of light wave synergy form in male and female components that are united to create a whole and complete light wave. Light wave synergy is about learning to manifest both the male and female counterparts of waves so that a light wave language can spin within the field. The light wave language then directs the dreams into further sequences of mastery of compassion and love within. It is soul that requires love and compassion to sustain a light wave energy flow.
It is soul that sparkles upon the light infused field that calls the magic of dreaming into the experience of life. A soul infused experience causes dreams to align in a sequence that co-creates divine timing, beauty and fulfillment along with health. Soul infusion has a particular energy. Soul infusion occurs through the etheric breath and infuses into the physical breath with each breath taken. Soul is a nonphysical effervescence that infuses the field with golden octaves that are Tao based. Golden octaves call a golden dream into the life. Golden dreams are filled with magic and alchemy.
Love unites alchemy and magic into new sequences to be dreamt that bridge upon ecstasy. Ecstasy is a state of being that allows the love, joy, union and freedom frequencies to adjoin into a burst of soul infused consciousness that enlightens. Enlightenment is a state of being that illuminates one’s thinking. Illuminated thoughts find the compassion and peace in all circumstances. Light synergy thought form is also a creation based experience in which the creator commands and expresses within its own creation. Creation based light wave thought forms are Tao based.
Tao thought form is a beautiful sequence of synergies of flow that unite past present and future a state of fusion. Fusion thought form allows the love to flow throughout time and into sequences of dreams that one is dreaming in a state of ecstasy. In a state of ecstasy there is only love; love that is superfluous in its manifestation. As enough humans master a state of ecstasy, collective illumination shall be brought forth. It is a collective state of illumination that leads to another state of being that transcends the mediocrity of the current state of human civilization. In a state of bliss there is enlightenment. A collective state of enlightenment can foster level of love that heals the human consensus. This is the purpose of Light Wave Synergy
The era of enlightenment is about to unfold. This era is about many in light wave synergy uniting to enhance the light grids of earth into new frequencies that allow for transfusion home. Transfusion is a state of being that causes light to become so infused into physicality that another state of being that is semi etheric is born. This is real ascension and it is into semi etheric physical structures that many shall move into within the era of enlightenment. As increasing numbers of light workers advance into a state of synergy, the entire human civilization shall be synergized into another level of possibility that includes world peace.
Humans today long for synergy but do not know what they long for. Synergy causes languages, thought-form, energy flow and truth to align into a superfluous momentum that is quantum in nature. Quantum thought form is expansion without bounds. Current human thought form is in extreme limitation being born into less limitation through the absolute commands of the Tao. Absolute commands are thought forms that direct creation and are light wave based. Human form is a creation in its own right and the absolute commands direct the creation into life rather than death through light wave synergy. Quantum thought form commands the creation into the next direction which has to do with esoteric physics. Esoteric physics expands the creation to the next height.
今天的人類渴望協同,但卻並不懂得他們渴望什麼。協同會讓語言、思想形態、能量流和真相排列到一種量子的充裕動力中。量子思想形態是沒有限制的擴展。當前的人類思想形態,正從極度局限中,通過道的絕對指令而誕生到更少限制中。絕對的指令是指引造物並基於光波的思想形態。人類形態其自身權利就是一個造物,絕對指令會通過光波協同而將造物指揮到生命中,而不是死亡。量子思想形態,會指令造物進入跟深奧物理學(esoteric physics)有關的下一個方向。深奧物理學則將把造物擴展到下一個高度。
Earth has known only non-synergy for a very long time. Non synergy leads to fall after fall towards extinction thought-form. Synergy leads to rise after rise out of extinction and into the expanded possibility towards freedom, evolution and love. Freedom is a state of being that allows for ongoing synergy. Love is pivotal as it is love and freedom ignites that life can be born and evolutionary fulfillment is fulfilled upon.
For those new to our experience of expanding consciousness, it is the purpose of our materials to anchor planes and light waves that can assist you personally in expanding in synergy. This information is offered free and from the Tao; a loving and neutral expression of eternal ecstasy open to those willing to attune unto the experience that expansion causes. Attune to the Tao flow available and expand into octaves of light infused states of being that shall enlighten your awareness.
Namaste 合十致敬
Lilliya Nita
Tao 道